Jay and Escaping Pt. 2

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The guards threw me into the room. Like everything else it was made from pillows but they were hard and stiff.

"Gary, he said to be careful with her." The guard said to the other.

"A few bruises will do her some good." The other replied. He locked the door and the two walked away from the room.

A woman came a few minutes later. She had long black hair with red streaks in it with brown eyes, her pillow skin color was a light pink. "Here." She set down a tray of food and slid it to me.

I stopped it just before it could hit me.

"Fionna, right?" She said.

"Yeah." I muttered back.

"I'm Jay." Her voice was slightly cheerful. "They really shouldn't keep you in here. People will notice when the flesh pillow is missing." She said.

"I guess." I kept it short.

"Your boyfriend, Marshall-" She started.

"He's not my boyfriend." I said.

"Sweetie, I'm the one who took the pictures," She slid some photos to me, each shown me and Marshall kissing. "It got intense." She whispered with a slight smile on her face.

"You think so?" I asked as I looked through the pictures.

"Oh yeah, I totally ship it." She smiled wider. Her smile quickly disappeared and turned into a depressed frown. "I'm sorry by the way, about Marshall."

"Where'd they send him?" I asked.

"The torture chambers." She looked at the ground sadly.

"What will they do to him in there?"

"Do you really want to know?" She asked.

No. "Yes."

"They're going to smack him with a whip, burn him. Since he's a vampire they might throw him outside when it's super sunny." She let out a shaky breath. "Like my husband..."

"Your husband?" I asked. I looked at her ring finger and saw a silver ring with a small diamond on it.

"Late husband." She corrected. "We did something to displease the mayor too. I made it out alive but my husband-" She stopped a look of depression crossed her face.

I crawled up toward her and held her arm. "I'm sorry."

She straightened herself up. "It's okay. Now for the real reason I volunteered to give you your food, I'm going to help you get out." She whispered the last part.


"Just follow my lead." She then yelled with a loud and powerful voice. "Gary, Todd!"

The two men that had locked me up came up. "Yes, ma'am?"

"I need the keys to this lock and receive number 89 from the torture chambers, the mayor wishes to speak to them."

"Yes ma'am." One handed her keys and walked off to go get Marshall.

She laughed when they got out of ear shot. "Idiots." She muttered. She quickly unlocked the door and slid it open. "Okay remember, you're a prisoner." She took my hands and put them behind my back and started marching me forward.

When we got to the end of the cages we ran into the guards again. In their arms was a beaten up Marshall. His head was down and his shirt was open, revealing a few whip marks. "Here. He passed out after Taylor punched him." They shoved him forward.

Jay caught him by letting go of one of my hands. "Thank you." She said in a stern voice. She quickly marched us out of the hall and let me go. "Let's wake him up." She picked up a pillow and smacked him in the face with it.

He jumped up quickly. "Huh?" He looked over at Jay. "Who- Fi?" He turned towards me. "What's going on?"

"Thanks to Jay, we're getting out of here." I smiled.

"Who's Jay?" He asked.

Jay raised her hand. "Me." She grinned sheepishly. "I'm kinda the one who took pictures of you guys kissing."

"How did you two meet exactly?" He asked with a raised eyebrow toward Jay.

"Long story that no one has time for." I sighed. "Let's move though, we need to find Cake, Gumball and Bmo."

We quickly found our way to their rooms without being caught. We opened Cake's door, no one was there. We opened Bmo's door. No one. Our last hope was Gumball. That's never a good sign. Before we could open it we heard voices. 

"I'm sorry we'll do our best to find her, miss." Said Dan in sickingly sweet tone. "But I'm afraid we've checked mostly everywhere.''

I heard Cake sob from inside. "Search harder!" She yelled. 

We heard footsteps coming toward the door and quickly turned the corner to hide. When we were sure that Dan had left we slipped into the room.

"Fionna?" Gumball asked when we got in.

"No time for questions, especially those involving Jay, she's our friend who's helping us out here. That's all you need to know. Now, I need my sword, Marshall needs his axe bass, Cake needs to stretch into a weapon and Gumball.... You stay safe behind us. Bmo, climb into my pack."

Bmo got into my pack, Marshall grabbed his axe and handed me my sword. Cake stretched her arm into a pointy knife. Gumball was shaking in his pink boots, Jay was checking to make sure he was okay, knife in hand.

"That pink guy is starting to freak me out." Jay said as she walked back up to me. "But anyway I know where to go and how we're getting you out of here. Ready, everyone?"

After everyone nodded we went out of the door. Jay raised a finger to her lips to signal for us to be quiet. We slipped past guards who were sleeping on the job, quietly beat up some guy before we found ourselves at the door. Three guards were there, sadly, looking stronger and more awake than the others.

"How are we going to do this?" Gumball asked, once again shaking.

"Stay here pink dude and we'll all go out there and fight.'' Jay said as she patted Gumball's back.

"My name is Gumball!" He said in a yell-whisper.

"Yeah... I don't care right now." Jay shrugged.

Marshall nudged me. "I like your friend." He whispered.

I giggled in response. "Okay let's move. Jay you take the guy in red, Cake the guy in brown and me and Marsh will take the biggest guy, the one in black."

"Fionna, are you sure? I could take the big guy.'" Jay seemed uneasy.

"I think I can handle him, if Marshall helps."

"Whatever you say." She said. She walked out to the guards. "Hey guys, Rob, I need you right now."

The other guys chuckled as Rob walked up to Jay, a grin shown on his face. Their perverted minds were about to get a surprise.  Jay quickly punched Rob when he got to her. Me, Cake and Marshall quickly ran out. 

Cake beat up her guy, he tried to fight back but he was no match for the stretchy cat. Jay looked like she could pack a punch because Rob had a bloody nose and she continued to punch him. I was struggling though. This guy clearly worked out and was not afraid to punch a girl. I'm probably going to have a huge bruise on my back considering his fist was the size of a baby elephant. 

I quickly pulled out my sword and started slashing at the guy, Marshall was hitting him from the other side, helping me. I guess he gave up half way through because he fell to the ground with a big thud and grunt.

"Let's move!" Jay cried. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2014 ⏰

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