A New Pair

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Foxy's POV
After I talked to everyone I told them that I needed some time with mangle, I still felt a little guilty that I didn't remember her. I started planing a nice thing for me and mangle to do and thought of a good idea. I brought mangle to a broken down amusement park and told her to wait in he middle, I ran off and headed to the control panel. I turned on the power and the amusement part came to life. I ran back and she was smiling and looking around, "This is amazing", she said excitedly,"I've never been to an amusement park before". I grabbed mangle's hand and headed for the Ferris wheel, we ran and we sat down as the Farris wheel started spinning.

Mangle's POV
We sat on the Farris wheel, this thing was so big and sparkly with all of its lights. We started nearing the top and I saw that foxy was hiding something, I looked over and asked "hey foxy, whatcha got there?" Foxy looked over and reached for my hand, he pulled out something and put it in my hand. It was a plush of me! I took it and gave foxy a hug "thank you foxy, I love it". We spent the rest of the night having fun and playing games, after that we decided that we had to go and headed back.

Bonnie's POV
I walked into the kitchen and found Toy Chica standing there. I keep getting all nervous around Chi, I decided to go help her with some of the dishes. "Thanks Bonnie"she said happily, "N...no problem Chi" I said smiling trying to hide that fact that I was nervous. After we finished with the dishes Chi went up on the roof. I went after her wondering why she went up here, I looked around and found her sitting on the edge. She said with a smile "I always wondered why mangle came up here. Now I know, it's beautiful up here". I smiled and as I sat down I said "yeah it actually really is beautiful, they sky isn't the only beautiful think on this roof". WHY DID I SAY THAT! THAT WAS A STUPID IDEA. "Just f...forget w...what I just said..." Chi turned and looked at me, she was blushing! "Thanks Bonnie that sweet" she said kindly. "N...no problem Chi", I said nervously and also relieved she wasn't mad at me for saying something like that.

Toy Chica's POV
D...does Bonnie like me?!? W...well I guess he is kind of cute... and a really nice guy. I guess I could see myself with him. Now I'm all confirmed, this is what mangle must have felt like. I sat there thinking and I think Bonnie was going the same, then I heard a door open. Mangle's back! I rushed downstairs and Bonnie was right behind me, I grabbed mangle and Bonnie grabbed foxy. We both screamed "I need you" as we both brought them to the other sides of the pizzeria. I dragged mangle to my room, "I think Bonnie likes me" I said somewhat loudly. Mangle looked at me and giggled "What!" I screamed. Mangle laughed some more and said "it's not easy to admit your feelings when your the one in love is it Chi". "S...shut up" I said pouting. She giggled a bit and told me just to do what your heart says and not worry about what could happen.

Bonnie's POV
I yanked foxy and brought him to the back of the pizzeria. I explained everything and what I said, and how Chi wasn't even mad I said those things. He gave me a high five and said "ya get to admit ye love her, it will go fine in the the end, like you helped me". I looked at foxy and smiled "thanks bro that was really helpful". We walked out of the room and foxy rejoined with mangle, "we will give you guys some space". I walked up to Chi and she walked up to me, she looked like she had something to say. "You go ahead first" I said. "Bonnie, I...I kind of like you... and want to be with you" I couldn't believe my ears, Chi said she liked me. I froze up, I couldn't believe it. I managed to snap out of it and say "I love you too Chi". Her face lit up and she came up and hugged me, I picked her up and hugged her tight. Man this is the best, I have someone who loves ME! This is awesome and I hope it says like this.

Foxy x Mangle Love is Special (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now