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Thanks for choosing to read this story! I had this idea for awhile now and just didn't want to write it because I didn't know how. Now I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did thinking it! Feel free to tell spelling mistakes! Enjoy!





You'll NEVER be a ninja

When people tell you that's what you are other people believe it and then you yourself start to believe it. Maybe that's what's happening here. People only take other people's word rather then the person themselves. I've always been blamed for things I didn't do. Like bullying others girls or making huge messes. And the only thing that's keeping me going is my best friend Naruto. He and I met when he was being beaten up by other boys in the academy I said to leave him alone but only ended up getting beat up in his place. We laid next to each other not being able to move but, we could talk and so we did I got to know him he got to know me.

Our friendship has grown since then and we can tell what each other is thinking and pull pranks together but, never get away with any of them. We usually missed class because of the messes we have to clean up. Naruto and I train together he's getting better everyday but, I can't say the same for myself. It's like I'm being left behind again in ability and family expectations. My big sister Misaki is 18 years old and is always ahead of me whether it be in thought process or ability to speak with the animals. She started speaking with animal since she was five. I haven't been able to talk to any and I'm ten. Every time I try to talk to her she either goes to the excuse of 'I'm busy' or 'I'm packing for my mission next mission'. I know that she's very, very busy because she is one of the top ranked Anbu but, once in a while she'll talk to me. Tell me not to make her past mistakes which was very odd because I thought she never made mistakes.

But enough about her let me tell you about my's strange I don't really have any real meaningful memory's with my parents. My mother loved me with all her heart but, died when I turned the age eight. The only people at her funeral who cried was me. Which was weird because if you love someone don't you mourn their death? Father is rarely ever home because he's usually on missions so I'm at home alone but, I don't go home I usually spend the nights at Naruto's place. We usually talk about what he'll do when he become Hokage and I've told something that I've told no one. I like Sasuke!! I've told no one else about it because they'll tell me the same thing that Naruto has "I don't think you have a chance..." I know he's right but, I keep telling myself that I have a chance.

I just keep imagining the scenario of him saying he likes me. It makes me happy to know the person I like ,likes me back. Maybe he'll learn to look past my imperfections and love me for who I am. Maybe that's asking to much of fate or maybe even God.


"Shizuka! Shizuka! Are you listening to me?" I blinked snapping out of my thoughts. "Welcome back to class now can you answer the question on the board?" I looked up and around. Oh, I'm in class....crap. "Well are you just going to sit there or answer the question?" Iruka-sensei said impatiently. "Sorry sensei I wasn't paying attention." I said softly. "Does anyone know the answer?" He asked the whole class. "I do!" Sakura stood up and answered. "The answer is chakra, sensei" she said while smirking at me. "That is correct. Maybe next time Shizuka you will study more to answer my questions." Just then sensei looked at the clock and yelled. "It's lunch time! Make sure you make it back to class on time today okay?" He said as he left the room.

Giggles came from the other side of the room. They're talking about me again. I looked to the side of me there was Naruto sleeping. I nudge him. "Five more minutes...." He says. "It's lunch time." His eyes open. "Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and we ran out the academy and all the way to the iChaku ramen stand. I order miso soup and Naruto ordered ten bowls of ramen. I won't tell how much I ate. Let's just say I can eat as much as Naruto. "So did I miss any thing in class?" He asked as he slurped down his last bowl and turned to me.

"Not much, just me getting in trouble for not paying attention and, Sakura answered the question I was asked and smirked at me with her dumb face." I said. "You should have woke me up I could have answered it...what am I saying I don't know anything about that class!!" He said scratching his head sheepishly. "It's fine, I'm used to it so it doesn't matter." I said. "Do you want to head back?" I asked."Sure lets go." He pays for the meal. We start our way back but, the villagers are staring us down. It's been happening for awhile now and I just can't get used to that negative attention their directing at the both of us. "So are you ready" Naruto asked me.
"I guess I am but I'm still scared" today's the day I worked up the courage to write a confession letter to Sasuke.

"Don't worry if he rejects you I'm still here!" He said smiling. I laughed. " Naruto I know that you think of me as a sister." I said punching him playfully on the shoulder. "No I'm not kidding I like you" he said turning serious. "Naruto I know someone else who likes you so, it would be wrong if I took you from them." I said sighing. " really who?!?" He asked getting excited. " it's someone who is very shy and doesn't like Sasuke." I said as I opened the door the the academy. We went back to the class room and sat down. "Tell me who or at least give me a hint!" He said. "She is in this class." I said as I opened a book. "Is it Sakura!?" He said smiling. "No."

He put his head down on the desk and kept thinking. As for I kept thinking about how Sasuke was going to meet me after school like the note asked. Soon school ended and I went to the training grounds cause that's were we were supposed to meet. I was getting nervous. I kept thinking and then rethinking my choices. What if he says no? What if he tells the whole class about this!? I had made up my mind I wasn't going to be here when he gets here. I started to walk away but, was stopped by a voice. "Were you the one who called me here?" I turned and sure enough there was Sasuke. He was holding the letter in his hand.

"What did you want to ask me?" He asked. I was frozen still but, I had to tell him. "Sasuke I um...I well...." I started to blush. I looked at Sasuke again he looked annoyed. "Well hurry up will you!" I flinched but spoke in a firm voice. "Sasuke, I like you....." I said their was silence. I made myself look at him. I know that facial expression to well. That expression showed disgust. My heart broke and my legs felt weak it was getting harder to breath. "You like me? That kinda gross. Who would like you back there is nothing likable about you
Your not skinny and you're definitely not pretty. You only cause trouble with an idiot and you don't pay attention in class. I guess I have to be the one to say this to you. I don't like you and I never will and I don't think no one ever will." He walked away.

Empty that's what I want to feel not this pain of being rejected and, being told I'm nothing but, worthless. Tears run down my cheeks and I start walking to my house. I can't let Naruto see me like this. I make it to my house unseen because I have my ways of getting around without being seen. I go to my room and brake down into sobs and hiccups. Soon I had myself together and went to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Red eyes from crying. I look away and walk out of my house and go to Naruto's apartment.
I knock on the door and it opens to show a sad Naruto. "I saw everything....I'm sorry I tried to warned you." I hugged him. Naruto was my one and only friend.

We went inside his apartment where he had two ramen cups ready. We talked about how much ramen was great and how when Naruto was Hokage he was going to kick Sasuke the of the village. Then a thought came to my mind Sasuke would most likely tell people that I said that I liked him and his other admires would come after me with endless bulling and teasing. So I said the thing that came to my mind that would mostly likely be the best then the next thought, which was suicide. I was going to go through with it. So I said it.

"Naruto, I'm leaving the leaf village."

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