Chapter 13

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I don't own Naruto, but I wish I did.


I was back, back in the hidden leaf village. It's was dark and I was in forest. I was seeing through someone's else's eyes. They were running after someone with the full intent to kill them. That person was cornered. As it turns out the person who was running was a women but I couldn't see her face.

"So, let me guess you're here to kill me?" The woman turns her face to me and I finally see it. My mother. Her face was illuminated in the light of the moon which made her even more beautiful than she already was. "Yes, I am. Shizuku Yuki." The person said. I couldn't tell if it was a woman or a man speaking. "People will know I was murdered. I have already told the Hokage about this matter." She said unflinching.

"Let me guess you think that the Hokage will put me to justice?" The person laughs coldly. "The Yuki clan itself sent me to kill you." The person said sadly. "Do you pity me?" She asked curiously. "No, I'm angry with you. If you hadn't done what you did I wouldn't be here right now." Said the person. "But no matter. I will......child and.....her as much as I did..." the person said. I could not hear some of the words that the person was saying. I looked at my mother's expression which clearly stated disgust. "You'!" Her words also muffled. She charged at the person with a kunai.


When I open my eyes again, I'm in my room in the cottage. I'm drenched in sweat and it is dark out. I'm scared. My heart beat was ringing in my ears and speeds up faster when I realize that I'm alone. No one is in the room with me. I feel like screaming for my father and Hikari to save me. I hear a sound. I turn my head to the sound. My eyes land on the mirror I covered with my blanket. I see it slowly slipping off and it falls to the ground. I look into the mirror and instead of seeing myself I see a monster. It's smiling at me. That's when I can't take it anymore. "HIKARI!!!! RYO!!!!" I scream. Then the monster comes out from the mirror and straight at me.
Then the door slams open and the lights turn on.

By this time tears streamed down my face. "Shizuka!" Both Hikari and Ryu enter the room running towards me and hug me. "What happened why are you screaming?" Hikari talks to me in a soothing voice that calms me. I don't say anything I just hug the both of them and curse myself for being so weak. I didn't want to speak because if I did the words I would say would sound weak and embarrass me. I wanted to be strong, but what will I have to do to get over my fears? No words are exchanged as they hold me in their warm, comforting arms.

When I finally calm down I wipe tears away. Their eyes are on me looking at me with worry. I feel bad about making them worry so much about me. It's quiet. They're waiting for me to tell them what happened. I want to tell them, but I don't know how to explain it well. It can't just say I had a dream about how my mother was possibly killed and when I woke up I was attacked by a monster in the mirror. I decide tell them about the dream and how I was scared of the dark.

"When I fell asleep, I had a dream that my mother was attacked. I couldn't tell if the person who was attacking her a man or woman because their voice sounded weird. At the end of my dream she attacked the person then I woke up. But when I did I got scared because I was by myself in the dark." I said. I felt a weight on me lifted, but only a little. They looked satisfied with the answer I gave them and less worried than before. I still felt a-little guilty about not telling them about the monster in the mirror.

"Shizuka we're sorry. We left you alone hoping you would get over your fear but it seems that you are more scared than I anticipated." Ryo said. "It's fine but can Hikari stay with me the rest of the night?" I asked hopefully. Ryo nodded. "Well, we will talk more in the morning. Goodnight." Ryo said as he left the room with a sad smile on his face. Hikari changed into his wolf form and laid on the floor next to my bed. I looked at the mirror. It was covered up as if the cover was never taken off. Am I losing my mind? Or am I delusional?
I remember the way the monster looked and my stomach dropped. I didn't like Hikari being too far away.

I get up and walk towards the light switch and turn it off the light leaves the room. "Hikari, can you laid on the bed please?" I said softy. Hikari jumped onto the bed and laid at the bottom of the bed. I get into bed and I start to relax when I feel his warmth against my feet.  Then slowly I drift off to sleep.


The sun shines brightly through the window as I open my eyes.  I look around to see that hikari is still with me but is sleeping. Then I smell the scent of ramen. I remember Naruto and sigh as I get myself out of bed. How long has it been? I started to count how many days I've been away from the hidden leaf village.

About three months? I decided it was time to eat.  I left my room and head for the dinning room. I saw that Ryo was already there eating ramen.  Then he noticed me. "Oh, you're awake. If you're hungry there some instant ramen on the stove." he said.

"Sorry I'm not a very good cook so this will have to suffice." he said sheepishly. I smile. "It's fine. The smell reminds me of home and my friend." I said happily.  His eyebrows raised.  "You had a friend. How come I wasn't told?" he asked. 

I shrugged. "It never really came up." I said.  "Well, tell me about it." he said looking as a child ready to hear a story.  I sighed.  "His name is Naruto." I said. "Well,  I didn't pick you to be a player." he said raising his eyebrows up and down.  I blushed.  "It's nothing like!" I said embarrassed. He laughed. "I know Shizuka I'm just messing with you." He said. "So, how long have the two of you been friends?" he asked. I thought back.  "I think since I first ever went to the academy." I said.  He whistled. "That's got to be at least six years." He said.

I started to get uncomfortable just talking about me so I decided to change to subject. "So, can you tell me what the second weakness is?" I asked. Dang it Shizuka! Is that the best you could come up with? I scold myself. Ryo smiled. "well,  since your so eager to know." he said.  He patted the chair next to him. I sat down.

"I forgot to tell you this in the beginning but we use our eyes similar to the ways of the Uchiha. We don't have their powers, but ours eyes hold our Kekki Genkai. Depending on how much chakra you have you can use the it multiple times.  But, if you go over your limit with your chakra instead of dying, you go blind. Depending on how much you go over your limit, you could be blind for days or even weeks until your eyes heal." He said. "I remember my first time going blind.  It was terrifying. I was taught to see with sound. It was hard and I had to do everything myself." he said.

"I used a mask to cover my eyes so I couldn't see so I could learn to live blind." he said. "Do you still have it?" I asked. He nodded. "It doesn't fit me anymore. So,  I thought I could give it to you. So,  that it could help you train." he said. Ryo frowned. "But last night you even cried about the dark this will be the biggest challenge for you." he said.  "You will not use the kekkai Genkai until you learn to see with out sight." he said. "Don't worry Hikari and I will be with at all times." he said. 

Blind? Darkness? Days? This sounds like torture. I never liked the dark but now it seems I have no choice but to face it. Otherwise I will be weak forever.


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