(Wendy Darlings backstory/POV)
I thought Peter was different he used me. To help him destroy me from the inside out. I couldn't find Bae and when he caught me looking for him he trapped me in a cage. "You will never leave this Island again as long as you live." He said. Through the years it echoed through my mind. I miss Bae so much it almost kills me whenever I even think of his name Peter flirts with me. I kinda hope it stops although I think Im starting to fall for him. Dang it my whole mission was to save Baelfire but when I arrived he was gone. "Baelfire," I whispered while crying. Will he remember me if I ever see him again? Or will the thought of him kill me first? Or possibly both? I pulled myself out of my thoughts. "Am I free?" I asked. "No but that doesn't mean you can't come out to play," he said. "You look like your father," I said to Henry. "You knew him?" Henry said. "I was quite close to him actually." I said. "Go I don't want you to catch it." I said. Henry walked out. "I couldn't of played the part better myself now back to your cage," Peter said. "Wait," I said. "For what," he asked. "I was telling the truth about Baelfire." I said. "Your going now," Peter said. "I loved him," I said once I got back in the cage. "No you didn't you just thought you did." Peter said. "I did and you'll be sorry," I screamed. "Change my mind and you'll also be able to kill me." Peter said. "But know ones ever done that before not even my son Rumple," he said. "Did you regret leaving Rumple," I asked. "No," he said. "I'm thinking you did," I said. "You know what yes I did and I lie to myself about never loving him because guess what I did, that's why took in Felix who I care about more than my own son," Peter Pan said. "Your a monster," I screamed. He left a few days later. "Wendy," a man said. "Do I know you?" I asked. "It's Baelfire." He said kindly. "Bae," I whispered to myself. I hugged him. "We have a lot of catching up to do." I said holding his hand. "This is my dad," I said. "You told me your dad was dead," I said. "You told her I was dead?" Rumple said. "It was better than telling her the truth," Bae said.
We're Lost: Peter Pan.
FanficDear Once upon a timers this story is about. The story behind The Lost Boys and girls of the past. All of them that know one knows about hope you like.