Loss (Yukio Kasamatsu x Reader)

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A/N: Hey Everybody! So this is my second attempt at a one shot, please be nice! If you do have any suggestions on how I can improve though, I'm more than happy to hear them. Please vote if you like it, and also don't forget to comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

*SPOILER ALERT* If you haven't read or seen past the game between Kaijo and Touou during inter-high, expect to have the results of said game spoiled for you.

The final buzzer sounded, indicating the end of the game. Standing in your place at the side of the court, you couldn't help how your vision started to blur. You did everything in your power to keep the tears from spilling over, feeling as though you had a responsibility as the manager of Kaijo to remain strong.


They lost. Touou beat Kaijo. Standing there in shock, you couldn't believe your eyes. After all the hard work they put in, they lost. Knowing the pain that you felt in your chest, you couldn't even begin to fathom what the rest of the team must be feeling. What Kasamatsu must be feeling. The team slowly begins to exit the court looking as disheartened as ever. As their manager you wanted to come up with something, anything, to say to uplift their spirits, but you just couldn't think of anything. You were drawing a blank. Making their way toward the locker rooms, you follow close behind them. When arriving at said destination, you choose to sit outside the door and just wait for them there, hopefully someone else on the team can come up with something to cheer everybody up.

As everyone started filing out of the locker room, grim looks on their faces, you rock back and forth on your heels, waiting for Yukio to exit. When he doesn't come out right away, you assume that he just needs a moment to gather his thoughts, so you begin to walk away, expecting to see him outside later. Suddenly you are startled by a loud bang and what sounds like a choked back sob. That was all you needed to know that Yukio is breaking down. Knowing you can't just leave him alone when he's in so much pain, you decide to go in and try to comfort him.

You knock on the door, announcing your presence. Slowly pushing the door open, your heart breaks at the sight before you. He looks so broken. Yukio's back was facing you, you could see his shoulders shaking lightly, indicating that he was in fact crying. His hands were balled into fists, forearms resting on the lockers in front of him, along with his head. He was completely breaking down.

Slowly approaching him, you place a cautious hand on his shoulder.

"Yukio?" you call out his name.

Shrugging your hand off of his shoulder. He answers back with a raspy voice.

"Please... (Y/N), just leave."

The fact that he had been crying was evident in the way his voice sounded.

Despite his wishes, you couldn't just leave him. It was killing you to see him like this. Not knowing what it was that you should say to him, you decide to comfort him the best way that you can. You slowly wrap your arms around him, your chest pressed against his back, head resting there as well. You whisper sweet nothings to him. "It's okay. It's going to be okay. I know it hurts." Realizing that your words are having no effect on him you spend a minute thinking up some advice that might encourage him. Doing your best not to use the most cliché line in the world, which would be 'winning isn't everything', you decide to say

"I know it sucks to lose, but you need to keep in mind that you did everything that you could, you can walk away from this with zero regrets because of that. Besides, if you never lose, how would you ever know where you need improvement, you learn from loss. I know how important this particular game was to you and your previous seniors, but you did your best. In the end they were just better. You have two choices in dealing with this, lose hope and fall into self-destructive habits. Or pick yourself up and improve what you now know needs improving."

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