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Hi, my name is Hana, i'm a student from the high school and today is when i must go to my little brother's elementary school to bring him home.Usually is my mother that would do this but she had to do a job in other city so i would have to take care of my brother and our house for two days.
No, i'm not a troublemaker, in fact i'm a very responsable person, i'm the number one in my class, i excel in every sport and i love my brother too much to fight with him, so he is in good hands.
So, now is 19:00 hours and i was suposed to have reached my brother's school 30 minutes earlier but the train was so slow because it someone had fall doen in the railways so i had to wait before the train reached the closest station to jump into another one.

When i got to the gates i noticed that nobody was there, which is strange considering that the teachers only leave after all the students have been taken.Not even the security was in sight.
As i was entered the door i saw something that made me throw up, it was the sight of blood on the walls and on the floor.
I prayed hard for my brother don't hurt, or worse, dead.
As i passed by the classrooms i saw thateverything was out of the place, as if someone tried to hold the chairs and desks but something pulled them and knocked down the objects.
I needed to use the stairs to go to the second floor(my brother's class) but the lights on the entire floor were down so i got from my pocket my flashlight of emergency(yes, i try to be ready to any circunstance) and let me say that i started to regret doing this.
On the whole extension of the corridor lots of kid's bodies were either decapitated and/or missing some limbs, it was awful.How the teachers didn't do a thing?!
Fear started to run through my veins as i entered all the classrooms on the floor, only to be met by blood and body's pieces.
Finaly i got to the last classroom, i opened the door, my heart beating so loud that even my respiration seemed more like a whisper.My hands were sweating and my eyes blinked fast to clean them from the non-existent dirty.
I opened the door and in front of me was a girl, her skin was gray, lifeless, her long and black hair covered her face but even without it i couldn't see clearly her eyes nor her mouth.What i saw though shocked me to my very core.
In one of her hands was a kid's arm, but it wasn't anyone's arm.It was my brother's arm, i knew it because it had the bracelet that i made for him as a sign of our friendship and love.That arm had patches of blood on the end where it should be conected to a shoulder.
I was afraid, i was freezed but i was also angry.I was felling too much emotions to think clearly so my body acted itself and made me run in the girl's direction.I grabbed her clothes so tight that my fingers were turning white from the loss of blood circulation.
I wanted to kill her, but deep inside me i knew that i would never get my revenge since she was already dead.

I saw my mother, she was crying together with our father in front of our graves.Yes, the fall killed me since i fell from two floors and right on the gate.The metal had broken my spine and damaged almost all of my organs.
The "killer" was never found, the school was closed and abandoned.
I didn't revenged my brother but now, both of us are watching over our parents, protecting them from any danger, waiting the day that they'll reunite with us.
Sometime later mysterious deaths of elementary kids were reported in dozens of schools around Japan, it was her again, Hikiko-san.


Happy Halloween guys!!!
Thank you for reading my story i'm happy cause i thought no one will read it but guess i was wrong


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