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{ Third Person's POV }


Margot got home safely that night. She thanked the taxi driver for driving her home safely into her place.

She got into her room apartment and walked straight into her kitchen counter to drink water. She pick up a glass and pour herself a water and drank it down.

She put her glass down and head straight off to her bedroom.

She put her clutch bag down to her bedside table and turn to face in the mirror.

She paused. Taking a glance at herself in the mirror. And thought to herself on how awful she looked like all this time.

"Shit..." she muttered to herself.

Her make up slowly scattered around her eyes. To the fact that she kinda looked like a panda. And her slightly messy braid.

And then she noticed the coat she was wearing.

He is indeed right. The coat looks good on her. Although just for one glance you'll know for sure that it's a men's coat.

Yes it was huge. But still it fits on her body perfectly.

She took a deep breath and wrap her arms around her body and let herself fall on her bed.

She then thought about that man.

"Why wouldn't he let me know his name? Is he some kind of a secret agent or something?" She groaned.

She sighed and suddenly reach for her clutch bag at her bedside table.

She pick up her phone from her bag and texted Karen that she got home safely.

Then she search for that man's picture again. She stared at it. Examining his features. She pinced her phone to zoom in up just to clearly see his face.

"Will I ever see you again?" She paused

"Will I ever get the chance to know your name?" She asked to the man on her phone as If he was really there.

She took a deep breath and lock her phone and place it again on her bedside table. She got up and decided to have a quick shower.

She removed all her clothes and place it to the basket. And she take the coat into the hanger and hang it on her closet door.

She got into the shower and cleaned herself. Once she's done she put some over sized t-shirt on and pajamas and lay herself into her bed.

She turned eyes to look at the coat that was hanging in her closet door. and sudennly felt her eyes slowly shutting down and didn't realized that she fell asleep.



Jared got back to his car after he saw the taxi gone from his sight.

Once he got in, he took a deep breath and started his car and drove away from his brother's cafe to his way home.

Once he entered his house he quickly got into his bedroom.

He take off all of his clothes and got into the shower. He changed into some white shirt and black pajamas on and laid himself to his bed.

He took a deep sigh as he stare blankly at his ceiling and thought about the blonde young girl whom he just met, or rather he bumped with in the club.

If it was just some random dude he'll be automatically pissed off. But instead, when she bumped at him. He didn't felt angry. He can't explain the feeling. There's no right words to explain it.

Maybe he just felt, nervous? He doesn't know.

The way his arms wrapped around her waist. His hands on her back. The feeling of how she rested her fists upon his chest. And her beautiful dull blue eyes.

The way the light reflects on her eyes is so beautiful. Her smile and her voice. His mind goes blank and lost for words.

He couldn't help but to admire her. And somehow a little pissed on himself for not telling her his name.

"Why would you have to be such an ass!? It's not like you're on the wanted list." He groaned to himself.

And soon regreted that he didn't tell her his name. But at least he gave her his coat. It really suits on her.

She looked really cute on that huge coat of his. He then smiled stupidly again of the image of Margot on his coat in his head.

If everyone might notice him, they'll probably think his insane.

"Margot... her name really suits her.." he said to himself.

He reached for his phone and noticed that its already 2 am.

He put his phone back down to his bedside table and pull the blankets over his body. He closes his eyes with a smile platered to his face.



Hey guys.

Yeah I know short chapter, sorry.
But don't worry. I'll try to make it longer for the next chapters.

And also, I just want to say thank you for voting and adding this to your reading lists guys. I appreciate it so much.


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