How You Met

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FUNK: Hot Topic. The Funk was at the counter, paying for a cat t-shirt. You were star struck & went up behind him to try & talk to him. But you chickened out. As soon as he was about to leave the counter, he saw you & his eyes went wider the more he looked at you. He said "hi" & you just stood there in shock, so in shock that you may have been staring at him for an hour. He tried to get your attention by waving his hands in your face, but you just smile & walk away. As you did, he grabbed your wrist, & asked for your name & contact info. That was the best day of your life, & the start of a beautiful relationship.

RML: He was the opening act at your first R5 concert in your home state of (insert your home state). You've been waiting your entire life for this day to arrive, & now that it was finally here, you were so excited. When you got there, you had to freshen up a bit, because your hair is a mess from listening to R5 in the car ride down to the stadium that they were playing at. As soon as you were done, you bumped into someone, knocking you down to the ground. With that being said, all of your stuff that was in your purse, fell out. The person said, "OMG! I'm such a clutz. Let me help you up." He starts to pick you up off the floor, when he sees a notebook with a name that looks a lot like his with a heart around it. He asks, "Is that my name?" All you do is nod your head, because you're too shy to admit the truth out loud. He thinks that's a pretty cool drawing & asks you for your number. You grab a pen & a piece of paper from that same notebook. You write down your name & number. You hand it to him, then you just smile & walk away, because you're also shy when it comes to cute guys like Ryland Lynch.

RML: You met Rydel at a R5 signing table a year ago. She gives you her number & tells you to call her sometime. Little did you know, she was dating Ellington. So a year later, after the year you met, you find out they broke up a couple of months ago. So you decide to call her. You dial her number, & this is what you get, "Hi Rydel. This is (insert first name). Do you wanna hang out today?" She says on the other side of the line, "Are you asking me out? Like on a date?" You say, "Yes?! I heard about your break up just today. I'm sorry about that." She replys, "Thanks. But it was mutual. So I'm fine. But yeah. I'd love to hang out today. Maybe we could have a girls' night out?" You respond, "How about at Disneyland? I could meet you there in less than 3 hours. It takes me an hour to get ready, & 2 hours to drive down there." She says, "Okay. I'll meet you at the circle." You say as she hangs up the phone, "I love you!"

RML: At a restaurant, Rocky and you both order the same thing...Mac & Cheese. Cliche, am I right? You get tables right next to each other. He sees that you got the same thing that he did, so he decides to speak up. Knowing that he is usually shy around pretty girls, it shocks you. Oh right. You two know each other because you went to the same high school together. He suggests that you sit with him & you accept. You spend the whole afternoon talking. You both find that you have a lot in common. So you slip your number, that's written on a napkin, into his shirt pocket. You end the afternoon on a good note.

RAL: Eye Glass Doctor. He is getting new frames. You're getting actual glasses for the first time. You need advice. You ask him for it. "Hey, I need your advice on getting my first pair of glasses." He says, "If people call you names that make you insecure, don't believe them, don't listen to them at all. Just ignore them. Block them out." You say with a smile, feeling a lot better than you did a few minutes ago, "Thanks. That helped out a lot." He tells you, "You are very welcome, Ms. (insert first name). Here's my number. Call me sometime. Maybe we can get together a day out of every week." You say, confused, "How'd you know my name is (insert first name)???" He leaves as soon as you finish that question. He leaves you wanting more answers.

RSL: You entered into a "Meet & Greet with Ross Lynch" contest. You didn't think you would actually win, but you entered anyways. So when you get a call in the morning, saying you won, you get excited & jump for joy. Of course it was an automated call, but you were so f***ing happy. You had to be there tomorrow afternoon, so you started packing for the next day. The day had finally arrived, & you were waiting outside in the pouring rain, being that you're in L.A. But you had an umbrella, so you were fine. You just got off the cab/taxi/bus/trolley/plane, & you couldn't believe it. You waited for this day ever since Austin & Ally came on TV. You've had a crush on Ross since day one. He's the guy of your dreams. The man you want to marry someday. They called your name. It was time. You were about to meet the love of your life. You walk into the building. When you got to where you were going, you couldn't believe your eyes. He was standing right in front of you, looking sexy as ever. You swear you were gonna faint, when he said, "Hey. I'm Ross. It's nice to meet a pretty girl like you." You knew, right then, you had died. Died of excitement & happiness.

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