Chapter 11: The Move

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Brynn's phone was ringing as she got out of practice. She answered and told Carson that she needed to go. It was her Dad. Her Dad told her that she needed to come home quickly because he needed to tell her about a phone call he got. She was scared even though she hadn't done anything wrong at school or anywhere.

Now Brynn was home and she took a quick shower before all the kids came to the living room. As the kids sat down her Dad looked real serious. Her dad told her that they are moving. Brynn thought that he was just joking but then she had remembered that he had gotten a call down from a Texas school. She was so mad. Brynn got up and ran to her room to cry. She had cried herself to sleep.

She woke up thinking that it was the next day of school when really it was 7:45 at night. She was hungry and went to the kitchen to get some food, still mad. As she walked up to the kitchen she found that there was no one home. She also noticed that there was a crock pot full of soup. It was her favorite soup. She rolled her eyes and said that they probably made this for her because of what happened earlier. Anyways she still ate it.

At school she told all of her friends about where she was moving, but she didn't know when. She cried for the morning but was ok in the after noon. Carson kept in hugging her after every class, or if they were in a class together they would hug. As the afternoon went on she was better not thinking about the move. The 8th hour bell rang and every one got there bags and started walking to practice.

          Carson had brought up the moving thing again and she got mad at him and ran to walk with the girls. She had thought that he wouldn't do that because of what had already happened this morning. She was crying as she was walking but trying to hold it in.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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