Tuesday 1st November

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Before anything else, hope you all had a Happy Halloween yesterday!

Halloween is the reason I'm here, writing.
So my parents are divorcing, and I know what your all thinking.
'Yeah, adults divorce all the time, not a problem.'
But most people who divorce usually manage to become friends, sort of, and move on, right?
Not my parents. They positively hate each other, and for good reasons too.

So my Dad doesn't live with us and it's hard, and Halloween made me realise how different everything is now, and how different it will be.
We usually decorate the house at Halloween with cobwebs, skeletons that jump out and lots of other stuff. If we don't have time for that, we just put up some gel stickers on the window, hang up some skulls and put scary signs up on the door.

Nothing, this year. We didn't have proper costumes and no decorations. We didn't even stay home. We went to someone else's party and went trick or treating with about twenty little girls and boys.
I didn't know where we were, everyone was screaming and running into me and I lost part of my 'costume'.

The only thing that went well was my makeup, which was just eyeliner, black lipstick and black face paint for a nose and whiskers. My hair was down like normal but with two small buns as cat ears. I decided to have it like that for school, but I guess it looked awful, because people kept on staring at me. I'm never wearing my hair like that again. I felt so insecure.

And what's worse, I got in trouble in English. No homework. So far this week, I've had two notes in my planner. If I carry on getting one every day, I'll end up with an afterschool DT, which sucks.

At least my friends are helping. Not always emotional support, but they never fail to make me smile. I'd be lost without them.
Although, something about them does make me sad.
They all have their individual problems.

It varies from suicide to cutting to diseases to disorders. All sorts of things and I wish I could help them out.

All I want is for everything to go back to normal. Is anyone else having experiences like this, are your parents are having a very bad divorce or do your friends need help with their own things and you don't know what to do?
Comment or message me about it, or if you have any advice. Or if you need any advice, I'll do my best to help.

Welp. That's it I guess. See ya.

~ Fangirl_Extreme_22

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