Wednesday 8th February

6 1 0

Okay, so I need to make some things very clear for certain people.

- If I say I cut, or I want to cut or think about cutting, I say that because I'm angry and/or upset. I'd never ever cut. It's called exaggerating.

- If I say I want to die, once again, it's because I'm angry/upset. I'm exaggerating, okay?

- If I say I want to kill someone, guess what? That's right, I'm exaggerating because I'm angry/upset.

Some people need to learn not to take things so literal.
If you see something that I wrote that makes you anxious or worried - you know exactly who you are - you just need to wait for me to calm down, alright?
Which is what I'm doing know. I'm ranting on about stuff and I'm feeling better now.

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