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Skye hadn't thought things through.

She regretted her answer to Steves requests since now there would be some questions from a very consisting Ryder. She hadn't expected his call, however when his name flashed on her phones screen she already knew what he was going to ask her.

"Wanna get lunch?" He asks, his voice eager yet out of breath as if he'd been running, which Skye suspected he was since Ryder had a tendency to go on random runs whenever he wanted. "I would love to-" she says as she hears him chuckle. "But I can't. I have plans." She speak out as she awaits his response.

Skye wasn't afraid of Ryder, not at all, the man was a sweetheart - at least to her - and she was very well aware that he wouldn't hurt her in any way. However, knowing that he may be saddened at her choosing someone else over him even if it was over something as small as lunch made Skye slightly unnerved.

"Really? Cool, I guess." He seemed disappointed. His saddened tone made Skye even more guilty than she already felt. "I'm going to lunch with a friend, you remember Steve from the party?" Skye waits patiently for Ryder to respond, he doesn't, not for a while before a slightly agitated response comes through. "Yea."

Skye raises her eyebrow at her friends tone but chooses to ignore it. "Don't worry kiddo." Skye jokes before standing up as she sees Steve exit the elevator, he waves at her from across the hall as she grabs her coat from her chair and leaves her desk. "I'll make it up to you." She promises with glee before ending the call and pushing her phone into the pocket of her dress.

"Ready for lunch?" Steve asks as Skye pulls her coat over her shoulders. "Yea." Skye snatched any necessary items needed and stuffs everything into her backpack before walking beside Steve to the elevators. She wasn't exactly sure what to talk to him about. Work, friends, family? Or was that too direct.

"So you're Mr. Griffins assistant?" Steve asks as they decent down to the ground floor, the elevator was completely empty with only Steve and Skye taking over the large space. "Yea, I've been working with him for two and a half years now." Skye responds proudly. She was going to bring up Ryder and how they'd met there in that same lobby but decided against it. Was it rude to talk about your male best friend with another dude that you happen to be going out to lunch with? Skye decides not to test her chances and rejects the topic.

"Seems like a hefty job-" Steve lets out making Skye chuckle at his exasperated sigh as he leans against the mirror behind him. "It's not bad, Mr.Griffin is surprisingly very comical, he's chill in a way." Steve laughs. "Not a stereotypical boss?"

"Not a stereotypical boss." She smiles back as the evaluator doors open to the ground floor. Exiting the building Skye asks the needed question. "Where're we eating?" She pulls the zipper of her jacket up as the cold wind blasts at her face as the door opens before the wind eases down. "I'm new here. You choose." He says, pursing her lips Skye comes to a registered choice. "Marcos." She states as she walks in the general direction of the cafe like restaurant "Whats Marcos?" He questions.

"It's a little diner near here. Me and my friend discovered it two years ago. I usually go there for the pancakes." Steve smiles as her as he too stuffs his hands into his jacket. The two walk slowly with Steve following beside Skye and keeping his gaze on the many buildings and stores that they passed.

"You said you were new here?" Skye asks as they near the diner. Steve nods to her question causing her to continue. "When did you move here?"

"A month ago, but never got a chance to explore." Steve says, his eyes once again wandering to the many exquisite buildings. "I could show you around sometimes." She felt very embarrassed after her words. It seemed to cliche for her to say that and that realization made her internally cringe. "I'd like that." Steve laughed before the mindlessly continue in short, unnecessary talk while they walk to the diner.

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