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Skye's eyes darted word to word as she tore through her notes taken on her latest meeting with Mr.Griffin. She observes each word carefully as she purses her lips, her attention solemnly on each individual letter she had taken down in messy vocabulary.

Her eyes divert themselves only as two rough hands settles on either side of her on her desk. Looking up Skye's eyes meet with the familiar face of Steve Oliver, her boyfriend. She mentally shudders slightly at the term, it was unknown to her. Foreign.

"Lunch?" Skye questions, already knowing he'd only show up at this time to take her out to eat. "A colleague told me about this new sushi place south of here. Wanna check it out with me?" He asks. Pursing her lips indecisively Skye looks down at her laptop, the red outlined vocabulary poking out of the bright page in rebellion. "I don't know...I have a lot of work to do."

"What work?" Steve asks as he circles around the desk before leaning down beside her to get a look at Skye's screen. He only raises his eyebrow as his lips try to hide a smile. "I was in a hurry to get everything down." She mumbles an explanation, slugging down in her chair. "You realize that you don't need to edit all of that. Right?" Skye nods, off course she knew, she's been working at Griffin Industries for two years. She knew exactly what to do and what not to do. She knew it wasn't her requirement to clean up her notes but that's how she liked them. Clean.

"Did you bring lunch from home?" Skye shakes her head to Steve's question. "Than we're going." Steve states as he slaps Skye's laptop screen softly against the base before grabbing her jacket from her desk and rushing away causing Skye to quickly grab onto her hand bag and rushing to the elevators where Steve waited against the cool metal exterior.

The two don't say much as they travel to the ground floor before entering the parking space provided for all employees. Skye's gaze immediately catches Ryder's car close to the door causing her heart to clench a little at the thought of her best friend. She briefly realized that Ryder was in the same building as her and didn't bother to say a simple hello.

"You alright?" Steve asks as they both get into the car. Skye nods as they both buckle up and Steve reverses out of the parking spot and starts their route to the sushi place. Skye debates on what she could tell Steve, the last two weeks of her life have been hectic. Maybe he should know, she decides as they exit onto the main road.

"Is it about Ryder?" Steve interjects causing Skye to tense slightly at the name. "He's working." She starts. "His dads persistent that Ryder take over early and has been drilling him about training." Steve nods and they remain quite for the rest of the short ride to the sushi place.

Skye could tell that Steve wanted to ask more, so after settling down into a comfortable seating in the sushi restaurant she begins to explain what's been going on. "I haven't really talked to Ryder in a while..." Steve only raises his eyebrow. "About a week and a half." Steve purses his lips as he stares at Skye in curiosity, resting his menu on the wooden table. "Obviously we had short bland conversations, but not like we used too. Plus they were all at least five minutes." She sights as she slumps her body against the back of her chair.

"To make everything worse, he hasn't been home in a week. Said his father invited him to stay with his parents in Ryder's family home while they try to work out a few hinges in their new agreement with Solace Enterprises." Steve seems to be taking in all this and briefly wondered if maybe he was the cause, however he doesn't say anything, instead opting to keep listening to Skye as she told him what had happened.

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