Another You, Another Way

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Prompt: Another You, Another Way by Against the Current

She'd ignored the nagging pit in her stomach for a long time. Too long, perhaps. She often ignored the so called 'feminine instinct', because it never brought her anything but misery. Even if her instinct turned out to be right.
So had it been this time. She'd just been ignoring it, because she didn't want to ruin her perfect little life. She was halfway through her first year of university, had a great roommate, still hang out with her high school friends, and she was still as tight with her boyfriend as ever. She was doing well enough in classes, her parents were proud, and she really didn't have any reason to burst her perfect little bubble.
Until it burst unexpectedly.
She knew that even if he attended university in another town, their relationship would make it through. She'd never once doubted that, although many friends had told her otherwise. But she and Alex still hung out every weekend, spending late nights watching the stars, catching up and drinking warm beer. It was the same old melody, and she loved it. She lived for those nights, where they'd be reunited, and would have their endless conversations.
She obviously understood, when he cancelled on her sometimes. She knew University was hard on him, and he often told her he was struggling with his classes. She was disappointed, if he cancelled another weekend together, but she understood. She didn't want him to fail because of his girlfriend, no matter how much she wanted to be with him.
But gradually, the excuses changed. There was a block party he really needed to attend, because all his friends would be there. She'd cheerfully told him she'd come along; but he'd come up with a row of excuses that never gave a solid reason why she would stay away. She did, anyways.
Her roommate Charlie had yelled at her. "Don't you see? He's either using you, or he's seeing someone else. Don't be so ignorant, Ellie, please. He's only hurting you. You deserve someone better."
But she didn't believe anyone who told her so. He was her boyfriend, after all, and they'd been together for four years already. He wasn't just going to cheat on her because they now lived in different towns. He loved her!
But after New Years', after he never showed to her family's party, the excuses grew more frequent. And without ever wanting to admit it, she didn't really believe him anymore. But at least once a month, he'd come. And they would sit in the park until the police sent them home, and it was just like before. The same old melody, and she lived for that melody. So she ignored the nagging feeling that told her he was lying.
Truth caught up on her near the end of their first year. They were having this big celebratory party in their home town, their entire group of high school friends. It'd be at his house. They all invited some of their new friends, and it was bound to be the best party of the entire year. She had invited Charlie to stay over at her parents' house, and they were dressing up together. Charlie had dropped the subject of Alex a while ago, but she never missed the looks Charlie gave her when he let her down again. But she was determined to win him back tonight, even if he'd always been hers. She'd bought a new jeans for the occasion, pairing it with a cute crop top. Charlie did her make up, but she left her hair for what it was; for he always said that he loved her hair. She was hell-bent on making this night the best one of the year.
They were a little late; fashionably late. The party had already started, and the booze was already flowing. She couldn't immediately find Alex, so she and Charlie grabbed drinks first, greeting old friends and friends from college. She met Jane's new boyfriend, listened to Daniel's account of his date, congratulated Kate on passing that terrible math course, before she excused herself to find Alex.
At this point she'd already had a few beers, and she knew she was a lightweight. But when she found Alex, she was pretty sure she was completely wasted.
Because Alex was in the kitchen, making out with a topless girl. And judging by the way she moaned, it wasn't the first time.
But when she realized she wasn't wasted, she saw red. She'd never been this mad. All sorts of obscenities left her mouth, words that she hadn't said since some asshole had hit Jane with his car two years ago and just kept driving. She didn't register all the guests coming into the kitchen, nor the startled cries of the still topless girl. The only thing that came through was the look on his face. It wasn't even remorseful. He was still smiling, like an idiot. She screamed at him.
"What did I ever do to you?!"
He smiled that stupid smile, the one she'd fallen in love with so many years ago.
"You changed... You weren't so much fun anymore."
Without blinking, she stepped forward and hit him with her fist. Thumb out, like he'd taught her. Then, not waiting for a reaction, she stormed out of the kitchen, out of the house. Without realizing it, she walked straight into the park near their old high school. She sat down at the bench when someone sat down next to her. It was Charlie, carrying both their bags.
"Hey, you okay?"
She just shrugged. Charlie opened her bag and took a bottle of wine out.
"I figured we might need this. Come on, let's drink and forget him for now."
Wordlessly, she accepted the bottle and took a few big sips.
"He's an asshole, and you deserve better. You'll find someone else."
"I loved him."
"I know. And it hurts, and I know that too. But you couldn't keep living like this, and you know it. You'll find someone else."
"I never wanted to say goodbye to him, but it's over now. I'll find another guy like him."
Charlie laughed. "Well, not exactly like him. But yeah."

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