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The air was filled with the smell of medicines. You were sitting in the waiting room. Sebastian was in the operation room. You came with him in the ambulance. You were worried if the operation will be a success. He lost so much blood. He also got shock, and he needed to get blood as soon as he got to the hospital. Luckily he was (Y/B=Your Blood type) just like you. And sadly the hospital didn't have blood in stock, so they asked you to give him your blood. You gladly let them take as many as they needed even though you were horribly afraid of the needles.

You still felt dizzy when you saw the doctor come out from the operation room. You got up and rushed to him. You asked him how it went.

"Are you a relative of him?" he answered you with one question.

"No, I'm his partner..." you said it with tears going down on your face. You didn't think that you will like him in such a short time. But now you were really afraid that you would lose him.

"If you are not a family member then I'm afraid that I can't tell you anything." you shook your head.

"Hm-m, it's okay. I understand. But I have to ask, is his life still in danger?"

"Well, I think I can tell you this. No, he is stabile right now. He will get better soon."

"Thanks Doc. I guess..." you said that while you slowly sat down to a chair nearby to you. "Can I stay a little bit more?"

"If you want, but you can't go in to see him until morning." the doctor said it to you with a warm smile on his face.

You thanked him once more before he went away. You felt horrible. It wasn't your fault though, but you still blamed yourself for all of this happened. You looked to the door where Sebastian was in. You watched it still for a long time. You hoped that a miracle would happen and you would see him coming out from his room without a scratch. Nothing happened.

You prayed for your god to save him. You made promises to him. That you would be a better mankind and you would help the poor people, and stuffs like that.

And then you heard a familiar voice.

"I knew I would find you here. Could you please come out with me? I don't want to do it in here." said the cop from the briefing.

"Do what?" you asked him with tears in your eyes. You didn't know when they got there though.

"This." he said while pointing to his handcuffs. Your eyes got wide, but you nodded.

"What have I done?" you asked with no fear in your voice, only with sadness.

You got up and went after him.

"We think that you stabbed Sebastian into stomach." he said with a cold voice.

"You too?" you asked him just whispering the words.

"Nah, don't really. I think they just needed someone to blame and since you were there you were perfect." he said it like you two were talking about the weather, like it was nothing. But you felt better knowing it as a fact that someone doesn't blame you for all of this.

You two got out to the fresh air. The moonlight made the arrest all so dramatic. But it wasn't. You got your handcuffs in front of you. The officer said the usual stuff to you.

"We blame you that you committed to try to kill the KCPD's detective Sebastian Castellanos. Anything you say from now on can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. Did you understand your rights?"

You nodded. You sat into the police car. You felt strange. You've never sat in the police car's backseat. You always wanted to become a policeman and make peoples keep the laws. And now you are a criminal as the police thinks. You are not but you were too tired to oppose or you felt yourself guilty because you said that you and Sebastian should turn back. Maybe both of them are true. There was silence while you got to the police station. The officer didn't say anything and neither did you. You were looking out from the windows watching the city's lights, the people, and the houses. All of them were alive just like they used to. The only one who felt dead inside was you. And the only one who almost died today was Sebastian. "We are like a fucked up duo." you thought to yourself and smiled as you thought about it.

"When will my case go to the court?" you asked while getting out of the car.

"As soon as Sebastian is able to talk and tell us what happened."

"And what will happen to me until then?"

"You will probably get into a cell. But because you are a cop we can't put you into a normal prison, so maybe you will be locked up in someone's office. I don't really know. Nothing like this happened to me before."

"Yeah, me neither."

"Well this is a shitty first day, isn't it? Sorry, but now I have to ask you to please sit down in my office. I will lock you in and ask the competent person what to do. I'll be right back" he was friendly to you so you just nodded and do what he said. He didn't remove the handcuffs. They were so uncomfortable but you couldn't do anything.

You sat there in silence. You felt one tear dropping from your eyes. Then you felt another one and another one. In the end you just started to cry.

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