Chapter 1

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Your p.o.v~
I looked down at the message, tears at the corners of my eyes and a few falling silently as I turned to the yearbook, most of my classmates doing the same. Soon, we had all been reading and crying onto our books for hours, reaching far into the night and everyone was soon asleep. I can't stay here. I feel like I'm suffocating, I'll have to ignore my brother's wishes as I feel like I'd drown in a place like this, it may have been for me if he was here but now I just feel like a single thorn among a field of roses... Damn, I get really edgy when I overthink things...
I quickly scribble down a note to everyone in the class before quietly walking out of the building, making sure not to wake anyone up. Once I was out, I made it to my brother and I's apartment as quickly as I could, grabbing all of my necessities before going and knocking on Karasuma and Irina's door.
"...(y/n)? What are you doing here?" asked a sleepy Irina, slightly shocked to see me,but not awake enough to properly process the fact that I was at her house at 4:20a.m (blaze it).
"I need your help." I paused, thinking over my choice one last time before looking back up to her and continuing, "I'm moving to America, I need to be with an adult on the plane and I need you to help with getting a new apartment." she seemed really shocked, finally waking up and noticing my bags, confirming that I was serious about moving away.
"Why don't you go back to Britain? Surely you'd be more comfortable there..."
"I want a fresh page, I don't want to turn back to an old one and start there again." she just nodded, still seeming hesitant about the idea but deciding to help me anyway.

The next morning~
Karma's p.o.v~
I woke up groggily, seeing everyone around me still asleep and the usually occupied seat next to me completely empty, with a note placed on the desk where (y/n)'s books once were. I picked up the note, rubbing sleep out of my eyes before reading the more-messy-than-usual handwriting,
'Dear Classmates, Friends and Teachers,
I have left this note as both a final goodbye... And a final thank you. I'm sorry about all of the trouble I caused in the time I was in this class, but I just want to say that I will never forget the strong bonds that I had formed with all of you. This class is special, and you will all go far in life, but I am sadly not one of you. My life will play out differently, and I'm afraid to say that to ensure I won't cause anymore trouble I will be moving to America, I'm sorry if this saddens any of you but I can't stand it in Japan anymore. So this is goodbye, I honestly can't believe I'm actually leaving, but this is how it has to play out. Karma, I'm especially sorry to you, I truly love you and a part of me always will, but this is something I need to do. I hope you all understand and I wish you the best in life, I shall go back to being an assassin, but I hope to keep contact with Irina, so if you ever need someone to be killed then you know where to get me ;).
I'll miss you all dearly,
Yours sincerely,
I felt a lump in my throat, but refused to cry. I had lost so much in the last 24 hours, it was ridiculous. I heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor and looked up to see Nagisa yawning and stretching before scanning the class and meeting my eyes. He raised an eyebrow and walked towards me, eyeing the note in my hands curiously.
"Karma, what's that?" he pointed towards it and I looked down, seeing my hands tightly clenching onto the paper. I just smiled at him, but I could feel the sides of my lips quivering being twitching down into a frown as tears pricked at the corner of my eyes.
"...s-she's gone..." I just clenched the paper harder, trying not to cry as Nagisa gently took the note out of my hands and read it over, letting out a gasp of shock and clenching his hands around the paper tightly, further scrunching it up.
"She didn't even graduate... She didn't graduate from class E..." he looked up sadly, placing down the note and looking around the classroom as everyone started to get up groggily. I was barely paying attention to my surroundings, only one question on my mind: 'is she really gone?'

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