Chapter 1

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I pulled my heavy limbs closer to my tired, shivering body rolling over to the warmer half of the bed, getting momentarily blinded by the small stream of sun bleeding through the material of the dark blue curtains. I pulled the duvet up to my nose and grabbed my cheap touchscreen phone from on top of the bedside table, it's not an iphone but it still does it's job so I don't mind. 

I scrolled through my facebook newsfeed, seeing all my friends ridiculous statuses about how they went to parties last night. I'm not sure how I got mixed into the group, I mean after all I'm the exact opposite. Sighing, I pushed the blankets from my already cold body, the freezing air attacked my body.

I threw on my black sweater, it was slightly to big but it was warm so, frankly, it didn't matter in my opinion. My small feet slipped into a pair of warm slippers, my legs into a large pair of light grey sweats. I rubbed my hands, trying to create some friction to warm my hands after grabbing my glasses and pushing them up the bridge of my nose.

I stepped out into the hallway and padded out into the kitchen. I put the kettle on, sitting at the table and opening yesterdays paper. I skimmed through the fragile pages until the water had boiled. I stood up and placed a teabag and two sugars in a mug, pouring the hot water in. The bitter-sweet smell filled the room, relaxing me.

I went back over to the table and sat back down on the uncomfortable chair, opening my laptop. I carefully placed my tea down beside the laptop and waited for the screen to wake. When the windows sign appears I wrap my hands around the warm mug, taking a few sips.

The screen appeared and I waited before it connected to the wifi, then moving the mouse and clicking the emails window. I refreshed the inbox, exhaling nervously when an email from 'H.S Head Quarters'. I hovered over the open button then clicking down. I waited for the words to come onto the screen, pleased when I read over the words.

Dear Mr. Louis Tomlinson,

We have gladly accepted your application of your employment. We believe you have a lot of potential due to the slight age difference between you and Mr. Styles. As we discussed during the interview your starting salary will be 35,000 and your health and life insurance benefits will be provided 90 days after employment. We are looking forward to having you join the team. We require you to come to the HQ on the 3rd of January 2014 for a follow up meeting.

If you have any further questions please contact me as soon as possible.

-Mr. Steven Morrison.

I'm not going to lie, I was so happy I was almost in tears. There were so many more capable applicants that were also in the waiting room before me. I clicked reply and began typing, trying to sound some-what formal.

Dear Mr. Steven Morrison, 

Thankyou very much for providing me with such an amazing oppurtunity. I am eager to make a positive contribution at the company. I am looking forward to my first day of employment on the 1st Febuary, 2014. If there is any additional information or paperwork you need in prior please let me know.

Louis Tomlinson

I pressed send, sighing nervously while doing so. My finger pressed on the home button of my phone, checking the date. I have one week before the meeting, which is most likely about the tour. I got up and shuffled over to the worn old couch, taking the remote and switching on the television. I curled up in a ball mindlessly watching the images flicker on the screen.

I jumped when I felt a dip at the other end of the couch, I glanced over spotting pepper making herself comfortable. I leant over and picked her up, placing her down on my lap and stroking her back causing her purr to echo through the room.

Her head nudged the palm of my hand, her own way of telling me she requires to be fed ever since I got her when she was a kitten . Picking her up, she let out a long hungry whine. I laughed softly and searched the cupboard for one of her cans.

I gave up and turned back to her desperate face. All though I am a wear she doesn't need it, I went to my room and quickly changed myself into jeans, a t-shirt with a turquoise jersey over the top. My feet slipped into a pair of black vans, collecting some money from my wallet while doing so.

I padded back down the hall, through the kitchen and into the lounge. I grasped the door handle and turned left, leaving with my keys in my hand. I locked the door and slugged downstairs and left through the lobby. I stepped out into the chilly wind, jogging over to my tatted red car.

I slide into the front seat and turned the key in the ignition, then waiting for the cars engine to warm up before I pulled out onto the road. I drove along the asphalt in the directions to the grocery store, with in a reasonable amount of time I pulled up at Tescos, sliding out of the car and locking it before going inside.

Grabbing a basket, then making my way straight to the pets section of the store, turning down the isle. I grabbed about fifteen cans of her expensive, snobby cat food that she only eats and refuses everything else.

On my way to the counter I spotted a familiar head of wavy brunette hair. Harry Styles. I stood at the back of the line behind him, taking a glace in his basket once or twice which contained a bunch of lady like items. I'm allowed to be curious. Of course he didn't notice me behind him considering we had only interacted onceand that's when I made an fool of myself by running into him.

You're actually thankful he didn't know who you were.

The small voice at the back of my mind spoke the truth. I placed the basket on the belt and made small conversation with the cashier, watching Harry waltzed out of the store with his tampons, chocolate and flowers. There's something different about that him, what man buys tampons?

Maybe he's got a girlfriend, dumbass.

I bit down on the inside of my cheek before the girl behind the counter spoke up, "That's nine pounds sir" she smiled politely and waited for me to hand her the cash. I pulled out a twenty and placed it in her hand, grabbing the bag while the receipt printed out and she collected the change.

"Here you go" she dropped the remaining money and paper into my hand, I thanked her and walked out and to my car. I put the the flimsy plastic bag on the passenger seat and put the key into the ignition, helping it to choke into life.

I sighed, tapping my fingers on top of the steering wheel to the beat of the music on my way home. I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed the cat food and left my car. I jogged through the cold breeze that brung hairs to raise on the back of my neck.

I greeted the cleaner, even though he didn't bother to reply and just brushed me off. I unlocked the door and went directly to peppers food bowl, opening a can and shaking it in. I glanced at the name of the food, Turkey Sorbet with a side of healthy garden vegetables, why does my cats food sound better than my own. God knows.

She waddled over and began feasting away at the meat. I threw the empty can in the bin and left the plastic bag on the counter to put away later on in the day. I plopped down on the couch and switched on the television, watching the cartoons flicker on the screen.

one more week before the meeting at my new job.

[ did you enjoy it? this was basically a filler. I'm awear of how short it is, which annoys me. Enjoy the picture on the side. Updated on the 3rd of March ]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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