Styles Stylist || larry

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I breathed in the crisp morning air, stepping out of my small apartment building. Swallowing thickly, I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, attempting to warm myself in the cold London air. I trotted over to my old red car, groaning as the door opened and I maneuvered in, sliding into my seat. I stuck the key in the ignition and tried to start the car, after a couple more attempts the cars engine sputtered to life.

I adjusted my tie before pulling out of my usual parking space and onto the main highway, I ran my fingers through my brown feathery hair then glanced at the time, I may be a few minutes late. That's going to go well considering it's an interview for my dream job. Soon enough I was pulling up to the Head Quarters, I quickly parked and jumped out of the car, locking it before I sped walked through the front doors of the large building.

I approached the front desk and cleared my throat to capture the receptionist's attention, luckily working. "How can I help you today?" she asked with a fake smile plastered to her make-up covered face.

"I'm here for the interviews" I said nervously, she nodded and clicked on her computer mouse a few times before turning her attention back to me,

"Louis Tomlinson?" she started at me, I swallowed and pushed my glasses further up the bridge of my nose.

"Yes" I nervously shoved my hands in my pockets, "Your appointment starts in about thirty seconds, just go up the hall there and sit in the waiting room until they call you" she mumbled as I darted off down the hall, when I made it to the waiting room it was filled with older people, maybe in their forties and fifties all seated in uncomfortable looking chairs.

"Lewis Tomlinson" a woman said popping her head around the corner, I raised my hand, "You can come through now" she awaited me to follow her through several corridors and doorways. We reached a large door and she opened it for me and let me through, I muttered a quick "Thank you" and with that I went in.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson" a rather large man greeted me from behind a oak wood desk, I looked around the room which had red mahogany walls, dark wooden floors and book shelves framing the walls. It wasn't like the rest of the building, it had it's own look. The other parts of the building were modern, grey and sleek.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Steven Morrison" I replied, "Take a seat" he held his hand out as I made my way over. I shook his large sweaty palm and sat in the chair in front of him.

"Your application was outstanding, Lewis" he complimented,

"Thank you, but it's Louis" I corrected, he nodded lightly and continued to praise my work, then asking me a series of questions.

"Why did you apply to be Mr. Styles wardrobe stylist for the 'Midnight Memories American Tour' ?" he questions carefully,

"I've always wanted to have the job every since I was about fourteen, it sounds cliche but it's my dream job." I answered truthfully, I have wanted to be a stylist, of any sort for all those years right up until now, and I'm twenty two.

"Okay" he continued asking me similar questions until we finally finished the hour long interview, "Joe, can you please come and collect Louis, I don't think he knows his way back" he laughed into he receiver. I blushed slightly and nodded, avoiding his stare.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Mr. Tomlinson. We'll email you to confirm or decline you application, goodbye" he said, "You too Mr. Morrison, bye" I spoke, as 'Joe' came to collect me. We took the same route back to the waiting room,

"Good luck and goodbye" she genuinely smiled at me, waving me off as I looked down and walked down the hall. I felt my chest collide with someone elses, causing my glasses to drop to the floor. I couldn't see who was in front of me but I did see them bend down at the same time I did.

I felt around for my thick framed glasses but I accidentally grabbed the other males hand, "Sorry" I flushed red, his un familiar honey textured chuckle coming from beside me.

"Here" his fingertips brushed the sides of my face as he carefully placed my glasses back on the bridge of my nose. My eyes quickly adjusted as I stood up and brushed myself off, as I looked up I hoped it wouldn't be anyone too important, I do want this job. I lift my head up and meet eyes with the all to familiar piercing green eyes that has every girl, or in this case, guy swooning over.

"I'm Harry Styles" he held out a hand for me too shake, I rubbed my sweaty palm across my pants and nervously shook his large hand.

"Louis Tomlinson" I introduced myself, he smiled as did I but mine was more forced and nervous. "Well, hopefully I'll see you around" he dropped my hand, "Bye" I murmured as he disappeared without another word. I shrugged and made my way past the rude receptionist, secretly glaring at her as I walked out of the building.

I waltzed through the cold car park to my car and unlocked the door, jumping in and turning on the warm air conditioning. I sat and let the car idle for a few minutes, allowing it to warm up. I pulled out and made my way onto the main highway and back to my lonely apartment.

I really hope I get this job.

[ short because it's a description. continue or nahh ]

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