Chapter 4

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Today was Monday meaning the first day of classes. My first class started at 9, and it was now half 10. So far, I've had Vocals, and I was currently on my way to the French class.

Vocals was hard, yet fun. There was about six of us girls in the class, considering the school switched around a lot, and each of them had incredible voices. No wonder why they were accepted. When I first found myself in the class, I got incredibly insecure and started rethinking my decisions. Was I really ready for this?

I worked my way towards the classroom, and when I found it, I walked in. There was about fifteen chairs in the room, and about five of them were filled with both boys and girls. One of the guys at the front, looked like he had bad OCD, and I mentally felt sory for him. Good on him for going for his dream though. 

I scanned my eyes around the class, trying to find a good spot, and smiled slightly when I saw a familiar sandy blonde quiff of hair. 

I walked over to the back seat, and sat next to Luke, who was sitting forward, leaning his head against the wall and his eyes were shut as a pair of black earphones were stuck in his ears. He was biting on his bottom lip slightly, and his eyelashes were moving, giving me the impression he wasn't actually asleep -more just resting his eyes.

"You shouldn't watch people sleep. It's weird" He muttered.

My eyes widened and I quickly looked away. Was I staring for that long? "Uh," I mumbled, "What are you doing in here? Aren't you second year?" I asked him, trying to change the subject. 

He opened one eye and looked at me tiredly, "I failed last year, so they decided to put me back a class so I can catch up" He sighed, "You're really nosey did you know that?" He asked.

"Excuse me?"

He smirked and swivelled around so that his body was facing me, "You're nosey. You want to be up in everyone's business because you have no life" He stated.

"I have a life" I defended

He raised one eyebrow then chuckled, "Is that why you sit out the front of a party and wait for your drunk friend to come out so you can go back to your dorm?" He asked, "Or how about when you steal other peoples friends because you can't find your own?"

My jaw dropped and I glared at him, "I'm going to pretend that, that wasn't offensive" I stated

"You shouldn't" He stated, before putting his headphones back in his ears and started to completely ignore me. Again. I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to break his headphones and somehow get him to have a decent conversation with me for no reason at all. But instead, I slammed my head onto my folded hands placed on the desk and let out an annoyed sigh

Eventually the French teacher walked through the door with a box of what seems like books. She was tall and had wire-looking, bleached blonde hair. She had dark, heavy make up on and kind of reminded me of a stereotypical witch, though not green.

"Hello, class" She said loudly in her think French accent. I jumped slightly in fright, more than a bit intimidated by the tall lady in front of me. Luke chuckled at me, and smirked, earning a glare from my department.


"Or should I say, bonjour" She cackled, "My name is Adele, but you will refer to me as Ms Mour, and I expect to be called either by that or simply Miss. Nothing else" She stated, "Before we get started, is there anything anyone wants to ask me?"

"Yeah, how do you say bullshit in french?" A guy with black hair and bad acne scars asked. Everyone laughed around him, and he had some sort of smirk on his face as if he just won class clown.

"Ah, Mr..."


"Mr Cameron here is a funny one, isn't he?" She asked, slowly making her way over to his desk,

"It's Camden"

"Yes, yes, whatever," She waved off, "You all think he's funny, don't you?" She asked, "Well let me tell you all something. This isn't high school. This is where you come to make something out of yourselves. Now, in order to learn here, in this country, you're going to need to learn their everyday language. How hard was it ordering breakfast this morning, Camden?" She asked, leaning right over his desk, his eyes practically level with her completely covered boobs, though he didn't dare look anywhere other than her eyes.


"Exactly!" She shouted, causing the class to jump -even Luke, "Every single one of you won't get by here without me, so instead of showing me some disrespect, how about you show me some manners?" She asked, stalking back over to the front desk, "Now as your first assessment, each of you will be paired up and you'll all be assigned to this book," She stated, pulling out a familiar cover, "Les Miserables is one of the most famous French reads in the world today, and fortunately for you guys, you'll be reading it" She grinned,

"But isn't that in French?" Someone from the front asked

"Obviously I brought the English copy" She sighed in annoyance, "Now, in your pairs, you'll both be expected to read the books. From then on -Because this is a school for musical talent- You'll be given 4 weeks to write or play a piece" She explained

"Wait so like, we have to write about that book?" a girl asked.

Ms Mour shook her head, "No, I'm just giving you your first assesment, keep up child!" She hushed, "Now," She continued, "If you're a singer, you'll write a song, or if you're stupid and you want to become someone like Nicki Minaj, simply pick a song to learn" She told everyone, slowly chucking a book on each persons desk, "Your mark will be lowered if you use someone elses piece, though, so during these four weeks, do yourself a favour and at least try to write your own piece" She sighed, dropping a book on my desk, "You're expected to read this book, while writing your song. I know it sounds like a lot, but that's life," She told us, "I expect you all to have the book finished by the time you're ready to prepare your songs," She continued.

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