Chapter 5

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Shelbi, Kali and I met up that night and all walked to Ashton's place -Though all the boys lived there, so really you could call it any of their places. I just feel more comfortable calling it Ashton's, because he's the only one I know for sure likes me. There's Michael, but he's cocky, and Cal is pretty cool, though we haven't had a decent conversation together so I wouldn't call us friends, plus Shelbi and him have some sort of enemy rivalry going on. Luke...Well I'm not sure about Luke. I want to be his friend, and I've made it pretty damn clear, but he refuses.

So let's just stick with Ashton.

When we got there, we walked right up to the door and I let my fist bang on the wood a few times. A blonde guy with blue eyes and an obvious tan answered it almost immediately and smiled brightly at us.

So he's the sixth member of the clan, I'm assuming, "Hey!" He grinned, "C'mon on in, we just ordered pizza" He smiled. I nodded shyly and followed Shelbi in, who happily walked through the big door.

"I'm Shelbi," She said confidently, "This is-"

"Beth," I cut in, "I'm Beth" I smiled

"And that's Kali. Both of them are first years, that's why you've never seen them before" She explained.

"Actually," He chuckled, "I remember seeing Kali today," He stated, "You walked into my class instead of yours" He explained to her. Kali blushed and nodded.

"Uh yeah" She smiled, " I um...I was home schooled at home so going to an actual school was confusing" She mumbled. He nodded and smiled at her.

"I'm Kalvin by the way" He stated, "C'mon all the guys are in the lounge"

We followed him through the long hallway then on the first door on the left, he turned and it opened up into the lounge room, "This place is a lot bigger when it's empty" I muttered.

"Oath," Shelbi muttered next to me. I heard Kalvin chuckle but he didn't say anything. In the lounge room was a huge flat screen tv, and two black leather couches, and a love seat. In the corner there was a mini fridge and a fancy looking bar. The floors were glossy white tiles, and there was also a black coffee table in the middle.

"Nice place" I mentioned to everyone in the room. All together there was about eight people in the room, not including Luke. Ashton was on the couch, talking to a blonde girl, Calum and Michael were sitting on the floor playing what looked like FIFA, Christian was at the bar, and there was another Brunette sitting on the love seat, her legs tucked in underneath her as she stared intently at the tv.

"Hey guys!" Ashton said immediately, grinning at us. I waved at him and walked over to the second, unoccupied leather couch.

"How could you afford all this?" Shelbi asked them, immediately.

Michael chuckled, his eyes not leaving the screen, "Christian over here is practically a millionaire"

"What?" I asked, my eyes widening slightly. I didn't want to seem like I was intimidated, or impressed at least, but damn. Christian rolled his eyes and walked away from the bar. He had three beers in his hands, and he past them to us each, but Kali declined.

"My dad is Brian Yale," He chuckled nervously, "Bass guitarist of MatchBox 20?" He asked. My jaw dropped and I sat up slightly.

"My dad is a huge fan of his," I laughed, "How ironic"

"He practically bought us this place, but the fellas here chipped in a bit," He smiled.

"So you're carrying in his footsteps?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Yeah you could say that. Ever since I was little I've played Bass, so I might as well take it into a career, yano?" he asked. I nodded and smiled. Christian collapsed ontop of the Brunette, who shoved him off and poked her tongue out. He pouted, but all she did was kick him in the chest to get him away from her. 

"Mine," Kalvin said simply, hitting Christian roughly on the head, kind of like patting a dog, though rougher and more for jealousy. Kalvin then wiggled into the space between the girl and the arm of the chair and put an arm over her shoulders. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, but she barely acknowledged it, being too ingrossed with the game the boys were still playing. 

"Not even gonna introduce us? How rude" The blonde next to Ashton joked, looking at us all with big grins. She stood up and I almost choked when she grew a lot of inches in height. I couldn't even explain how tall she got. Her legs were almost a metre themselves.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Ashton laughed, "This is Florence," He explained, "She doesn't go to our school but she does modelling a few blocks away" He continued.

I can tell I thought as I looked at her perfect figure. I felt like a fat umpa lumpa sitting next to her. Her hair was shiny and straight, and it looked like it would be soft if I touched it. Her eyes were piercing blue, and her make up was done perfectly, like a professional had done it for her -Though her skin didn't look rough underneath the make up. it looks smooth, almost like she didn't need it. 

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