Oreo Addiction

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"Okay! Everyone needs to crowd around her because once we get to the camp, everyone will be all jumpy and will not listen to the intructions!" we all stopped loading the bags into the cars and headed over to the ramp where Kevin was standing, a hush fell over the crowd of highschoolers waiting to jump into the cars and drive up to the mountains.

"Rule number one: ABSOLUTLY NO PURPLE. Got that?" The crowd began to chatter and laugh, what was purple?

"Hey Asher! He said no purple!" I yelled at asher, he was wearing a purple pac man t-shirt and dark purple vans. Everyone began to laugh, checking themselves for any purple they might have been wearing. No one else found any, dragging more attention to Asher.

"Hey! Kevin! What is purple? You can't mean the color right?" Asher asked, attempting to get all attention back on Kevin and off of him.

"Okay! Purple is when boys and girls are hanging out together with minimal adult supervision." we all stared at him, confused. "You know, boys are blue, girls are pink, mix them together, it makes opurple. So what I mean to say is NO MIXING GENDERS! Got it?" we all nodded our heads in unision.

"Rule number two, don't do ANYTHING stupid. Boys, this will be a bit of a challenge. This rule will be known as RED."

"Wow Kevin! Red? Sometimes stupid things don't result in blood....." everyone looked at me, trying not to laugh "just saying, boys do some pretty stupid things and alot of the times it ends up in tears..."

"Okay, Elizabeth, enough of your sercastic remarks. We could use without them." I put my hands up as a 'just saying' remark with out saying it. "Okay then, no, to continue without any sarcastic remarks for Elizabeth,"

"Yup!" Kevin looked at me dangerously, warning me not to make another peep.

"Rule three! And probably the most important rule! Have FUN!" The whole crowd cheered and put their fists in the air. "That will be considered yellow. If a counceler sees you moping and doping and being sad. They will scream yellow at you. Got it?" We all nodded our heads.

"Rule four, the second most important rule,"

"So doing stupid things isnt important?" I shouted out, earning a scowl from kevin and smirks from the students.

"That is a very important rule but its more of an opinionated rule, now as I was saying, the second most important rule is, BE AT EVERY MEAL ON TIME OR ELSE YOU WILL NOT BE FED!!!" he shouted so loud that it awoke the nearby homeless people. "Now, go to your assigned cars! They will be shown on your lanyard that you have recived! Break!" we all clapped and checked our lanyard for whos car I had. Geoff with Destrie, Kayliee, Ryan, Asher, Genna, Peter, Fiona (Yes!), and Destiny. Destrie and Destiny were faternal twins, Destrie being a dark haired boy, and Destiny being a dark haired girl. They look so alike with their amazing electric blue eyes and dark, wavy hair.

I headed over Geoff's white van and climbed into the very back in the middle, next to Destiny and Fiona. I didn't bother to buckle in and I pulled out my granola bar. I peeled the wrapper back and began to eat the peanut butter chips off of it. "You know, thats real attractive when you do that...." Destiny smirked at me and Fiona started laughing like crazy, covering her mouth to keep some attractiveness.

"Shut up, Hey! Geoff! I've always been told to avoid white vans and creepy guys!" I yealled at him, referring to our situation.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! Just saying ,I'm breaking all rules that involve creepy men and white vans by being in this car with you!" the van broke out into laughter and even Geoff smirked and began to back the car up out of the parking lot.

"Hey, Elizabeth! You know I've been told not to drive crazy girls around so I should just drop kick you out of my van! " I laughed and thought of a snarky reply to him, its on Geoff.

"I know, Fiona is just so crazy isn't she? " the whole van broke out in laughter as we pulled out of the parking lot. "Geoff! Turn up the music! I'm sick of listening to your voice! " the laughter erupted again and Geoff turned up heavy metal worship songs. "Whoo! This is my jam!" once again, I brought laughter to the van.

I'm what you call a 'class clown' I always had a sarcastic remark to shout aloud. I am probably one one the most sarcastic, clumsy, crazy people you will ever meet. Snarky remarks are my specialty, most of my teachers hate me for that, I can be the the rudest person ever to adults, especially people who annoy me.

When we reached about 45 miles out of the way on the highway, I pulled out my snacks which included oreos, fruit snacks and peanut butter pretzels. I tore open the oreos and chowed them out, licking out all of the cream and popping the cookie into my mouth. "Holy crud! How many did you ear so far?" Destiny asked, health freak. I'm one of those people that can't gain wegiht and burn everything they eat off, so I don't care what i'm eating and how much of it.

"Um, I wanna say 10....." I answered back, smirking at the look of horror on her face. Destrie looked back at me and began to laugh, knowing my sarcasm. Asher looked at him, confused, he had no idea that I had only ate 5 and I was pretending just to make Destiny be horrified.

"First one to see snow wins!" Geoff suddenly shouted out, breaking our convorsation.

"Wins what exactly?" I asked, wondering if it was even worth it.

"You win a dollar!" yeah, okay, a dollar. I decided to try and then, I spotted a huge chunk of snow about a mile ahead.

"Snow! Up ahead!" yes! First finder!

"Elizabeth wins the dollar!" I hissed a 'yes' under my breath and shot my fist back, drawing attention to me and causing an eruption of laughter. I sat back in my seat and began to think, this whole week would be dedicated to worshiping God and getting closer to him, couldn't ask for any better.

I checked my schedule, we would arrive soon and be driven up the mountian by a snow tractor with connected wagons. Scary, I would probably die, or have to go pee really bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2012 ⏰

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