1.0 - 당신은 엉망이다

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1.0 - 당신은 엉망이다

jungkook pov

Bright, yellow sun rays streamed through the off-white blinds. I felt soft, thin sheets tangled in my fingers. Delicate whispers rang throughout the room and rattling of machines echoed off of the walls. Surprisingly, I woke up alive. In a hospital, but alive nonetheless.

I rose my left arm to cover my face, annoyed by the light streaming through the blinds, taunting me. The radiant rays can stay or leave, disperse or condense, flicker or disintegrate, shine or dull. I can exist and die. Whether I choose to live, is up to me. All I know for sure is that I don't want to continue living my life without apologizing to Jimin and gaining his trust and love back. Want wasn't and isn't an aspect to this game of love anymore; I need him. I need Jimin.

Groaning in frustration, I tried to sit up in my bland hospital bed that reminded me of a baby's bed, with plastic railings lining the sides and fronts. My eyes flickered over my surroundings. I was alone in my room, no other beds present in the room besides mine. The floors were wooden, walls painted sky blue, one window in front of me with the annoying rays, a transparent glass door used to exit the room adjacent to me, and a small pot of sunflowers snug in a dusty plastic vase lingering on the window sill.

I miss my mom. I miss my friends.

I miss Park Jimin.

Before long, a male doctor entered my room, swinging open the glass door to my far left, and stepping over until he was next to my bed.

"Jeon Jungkook is it?" the man inquired, white, plastic name tag reading, 'Youngjae Choi.' He was pretty tall, not much taller than myself and presumably not older than thirty. Doctor Choi was a slim male with dark brown locks, tamed into a clean swoop. The male was clad in blue scrubs hiding underneath his oversized white lab coat, which seemed to swallow him whole. He held a clipboard firmly in his large hands, a pen, with blue ink, swallowed by his right hand.

"Yes, uhm Doctor Choi, is it?" I asked nervously, playing with the ends of the thin sheets that were covering me.

The male laughed slightly before nodding curtly and scribbled some words down on his clipboard.

"Well you seem to be fine now, but last night you were in distraught. Hammered, even. Rough night?" he looked up from the clipboard now, his wise, brown orbs boring into mine.

"One of my worst."

"Right. Well Mr. Jeon, get dressed. We're releasing you. The nurses will bring you some spare clothes, they might fit a bit looser, but you can change once you get home. Next time, don't sleep on the street, and almost get killed, alright?"

I nodded happily, grateful that I could leave and see Jimin.

He waved, turned on his heel, swung open the glass door, and Doctor Choi was gone.


taehyung pov (WOW DIFFERENT)

Fuck. I lost Jungkook somewhere last night, Yoongi broke up with me, Jimin disowned me, and I'm watching Namjoon and some guy with really bright pink hair make out on my couch. Fuck.

"Namjoon who the fuck is that?"

The said male broke his previous lip locking extravaganza with the pink haired boy, an annoyed expression lacing his features.

"This is Jin-hyung. He's my boyfriend. I haven't forgiven you for losing Jungkook. Stop talking to me for now."

And he went back to his make out session with 'Jin-hyung' who didn't seem phased by this outburst at all.

Sighing in defeat, I had to leave my own goddamn house. I knew only one place I could visit at a time like this. Hoseok-hyung's place.


(still taehyung pov, just time skip)

I knocked on the Jung's house door hastily, hoping he would let me stay over for a few hours or days.

Thank God Hoseok answered instead of his sister or one of his parents.

"Taehyung-ah! How are you?" pure surprise and delight etched his gorgeous features. Hoseok has always been one of my favorite hyungs, and one of the prettiest. He had gorgeous locks of hazelnut brown hair, deep brown obs, tan skin, lean frame, tall stature, wide smiles, big hands, and a whole lot of hope.

"I'm alright. Yoongi broke up with me. I need a friend. I missed you, hyung," tears started to form in my eyes as Hoseok wrapped his arms around me almost instantly and kissed my forehead. I really like this hyung.

"Tae, you're such a good person. You're so kind towards others, unpredictable, wonderful, inspiring, funny, exciting to be around, beautiful, and all around goddamn ridiculous," I chuckled at hearing these words, more tears spilling out of my eyes before he continued, "you're one of my closest friends. I trust you with basically everything, and honestly I'm kinda glad Yoongi-hyung broke up with you, even though it kills me to see you cry," at this I looked up, puzzled by his words.


"I like you stupid. Go on a date with me."


jungkook pov

After several calls and texts messages with no response from Jimin I was beginning to lose hope.

(to : chonsa )

me - jimin, baby, i don't like tae. at all. it's a fling of the past. you're my present. you're my future. you mean so much to me. im so sorry. i know you're not going to forgive me that easy but im willing to earn your trust and love back

me - i miss you

me - please reply me even if it's a rejection

me - i think i'm in love with you

me - fuck it i am in love with you

me - i have been in love with you since the first time i fucking messaged you

me - answer me when you can

me - just come over

me - i wanna see you chonsa

Running my hands through my hair in frustration, I began to cry. He was the only good thing in my life. He was going to change me. Stop me from fighting, riding my motorcycle, getting unnecessary piercings and tattoos, from back talking my parents, being mean to my friends, and cheating. I would never cheat on someone so perfect and the person I knew was made for me. But I did. And in turn, I'm hurt and sad. And he's hurt and sad, too.

(from : chonsa)

chonsa - i thought i loved you too kookie but i just can't seem to anymore


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