What kinda name is Ultra Magnus?

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You blink awake to the sound of your alarm buzzing loudly in your ear. A tired groan escapes your lips as you squint around into the darkness of your tiny apartment bedroom -which was really just a glorified broom closet in your humble opinion- trying to make out the time on your small digital alarm clock. Which, when it finally comes into focus for your tired eyes, causes to let out an even louder groan as you realize it's four o'clock in the morning.

You sit up, shut off the alarm and stay there for a moment trying to remember why you set the alarm for such an ungodly hour of morning, as you do you take in your room with it's washed out yellow walls and dirty beige carpet which barely left a few feet of room between your bed and a dresser/mirror combo that sat in the left hand corner of the room nearest to the door. As you stare blearily in the direction of your door the events of the day before slowly start coming back to you.


The day had started much like any other one before it, you had gotten up, done your morning routine, and gotten to the precinct to start your day as a police officer. But when you had walked to your desk -fresh coffee in hand of course- to finish some paperwork before you went out on patrol you saw an official looking envelope sitting in the middle of your spotless desk, which was doubly strange because, while not super messy your desk normally had a fair amount of clutter, but as you examined it further you saw all your papers had been neatly stacked in two piles of finished and unfinished, all the family photos you had tacked to the back of your desk had been straightened, your computer and keyboard had looked freshly dusted it had even looked like your desk had been wiped down and-

"Are these organised by colour?" You had said quietly in disbelief.

You lightly touched the pens in your pen cup and, yes apparently they were. You had turned your attention back to the white envelope before you let yourself get more side tracked by your strangely pristine desk. You picked it up and flipped it over to looked for a return address, but there were none, infact there were no addresses of any kind, only your name and a strange robotic looking face directly in the middle of its white surface. Warily you had turned it back over, carefully sliced open the flap with your pocket knife and taken out the paper within. The first thing you had noticed about it was that there was the same robot-like face in the left hand corner, you stared at it for moment as if it would tell you what it meant if you looked long enough, but unfortunately it did not suddenly grow the ability to speak so you started reading the letter.

Ms (Y/N)

You have shown up on our radar thanks to your quick thinking and bravery on February the 2nd 2026. We have decided that you might fit in well in our department. Unfortunately We can not disclose what we do in this department as it is a matter of national security, but know that the position we are offering is a prestigious one and that you will be working with the best people that this country has to offer. We will be sending a driver to transport you to our testing facility this Sunday at precisely 7:00 a.m. c.s.t. Enclosed inside is a keycard that will let you in the front door. Do not lose it. If you wish to decline this offer simply hand over this letter to
Chief Miller and we will not bother you again. But keep in mind that we believe you would benefit greatly from this so do not turn down this offer lightly.

Signed: Supervisor of Security, Head of administration, Overseer of general maintenance, Overseer of custodial services, Client group supervisor, Overseer of Records management, esc.

Ultra Magnus

'Can not disclose? National security? And what kinda name is Ultra Magnus??' you thought suspiciously.
You had put the thought aside for a moment in favour of pulling The keycard out of the envolope. It had the same symbol as the letter, but this one was in red and took up the center of both sides of the plastic card. There had seemed to be nothing else on the card except the black scanning bar on the back.

'I had better ask the chief if these guys are legit before I do anything else.'

You had quickly went and knocked on the chiefs office door and a gruff voice had promptly told you to come in. You had went straight up to his desk and held out the document.

"Sir I found this on my desk and I was wondering if you knew who these people might be?" You had asked respectfully.

He had given you a curious look, but taken the paper anyway. He had barely started to skim it when his eyes landed on the robot symbol

"Well colour me impressed. Who would have thought someone in my department would get invited to an interview with the Autobots." he had mused out loud with wry humor in his voice.

"Autobots sir?" You questioned.

"Yes Autobots they're a very hush hush division of the government. In fact, the only reason I know about them is because I worked with them for a short time while I was in the military." He had said this with a far away look in his eyes."They can be a strange bunch but they're good people and they're commander is an amazing man, plus they're doctors are top notch."

"But what do they do? And why do they want me?" You had asked with a small amount of annoyance getting fed up by his vagueness.

He had come out of his daze and looked back at you with a small smile.

"Well you'll just have to find out this Sunday won't you, if you're going that is."

For a second you thought about saying no. Because you had a feeling that going to this thing would change your life forever and you liked your life the way it was, but curiosity and your innate thirst for adventure won out and only a few moments had passed before you had answered with a gleam of determination in your eye.

"I'm going."


You quickly jump out of bed as you realize you have to be at the building in -you check your clock- one hour forty-five minutes.

'I've been sitting here for ten minutes?!'

You curse quietly and start getting your best pants suit on and run a brush through your hair before tying it back in a professional looking bun. You turn and assess how you look in your mirror and you have to admit you look good in your gray suit jacket, forest green blouse, pressed pants, and black wedges. You go into your small bathroom brush your teeth, wash your face, put on a bit of lip gloss and quickly head out the door.

(A/N) Sorry no characters were introduced, but I promise you will be meeting some next chapter, which I will try to write as quickly as possible! Comments are much appreciated! Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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