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When Harry got back to his office/lab, he quickly went up the stairs. He opened the door to the main lab room and slammed it behind him. He ran a hand through his hair and sat down at the steel desk, pulling out his blueprint.

He reads over the materials to double check he had them all.

"Steel, obviously, prosthetic skin: check, wires: check, synthetic blood subsitute: check," He sighs and leans back in his chair. He grins to himself, "Now here comes the fun part."

Harry stands and pulls out the box full of the prosthetic skin. He tears open the cardboard box and lifts the gooey stuff out.

"Yuck," Harry sticks out his tounge childishly.

After about an hour or so getting the skin sorted out into where it's going to go he starts to work on the steel frame.

He is attempting to make the metal part of his human not so abnormally large, so he has plenty of room for the organs, blood sussitute, and prosthetic skin. He also wants the cyborg to look as human as possible, with it's amazing powers shown more on the inside.

Once again, after several more hours of hard work, sweat, and water, he finally has finished the frame. He decides that he's done for today and he sets down the tools.

He sets the frame on a steel bed, if you will, and looks at it a minute before leaving the lab.

Harry's home is also connected to the lab and office so he just has to walk up to the third floor.

When he enters his house he's greeted by his cat, Bella. He smiles tiredly and picks her up.

"Hey Bella!" Harry nuzzles his face into the black cat's fuzzy coat. Bella also has white socks on her paws, and to Harry, makes her absolutely adorable.

He carries Bella to his bedroom, closing the front door and his bedroom door behind him. He makes sure to turn on the building's alarm before tucking into bed with Bella at his side.

He closes his eyes happily, amd begins to dream about what his human will look like once it's done. He knows it will be male, speaking since Harry is openly gay now for ten months. However, Harry knows he can't have a relationship with this cyborg, but he still thinks about things like that.

Harry's thoughts eventually turn to dreams as he dozes off into a peaceful sleep.

The Next Morning

Harry wakes up at around 9:30. He slides out if bed and heads to the shower. He slips off his clothes and steps into it, the warm water dripping dow his front. He washes his hair with his usual cinnamon shampoo, then washes his body with his pine scented wash.

He finishes uo in about a half hour and steps out, wrapping a towel around himself. When he steps out into the living room, now fully dressed in a white t-shirt and skinny black jeans, he's greeted with a hug.

"Hi Zayn," Harry sighs and hugs his longtime best friend back. After the pull away, Harry notices a girl standing awkwardly behind Zayn, "Zayn, who's this?"

"Well, Harry, that's why I came over. I want to introduce you to Perrie, my girlfriend," Zayn smiles as Harry's eyes widen.

"Oh? Hi Perrie, I'm Harry," He sticks out his hand for her to shake. She brushed a piece of blonde hair out of her face and grabs Harry's hand with an extremely strong grip, almost shaking him instead of just his hand.

"Hi Harry!" She says cheerily. That's when Harry notices. Her strong grip, her seemingly unknowingness of this place.

"Uh Zayn? Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a moment?" Harry jabs his thumb towards the kitchen to his right. Zayn frowns but nods.

After they're in the kitchen, Harry turns to Zayn, "Is she your science project?"

"She's no longer just a science project but, yes she is," Zayn notices Harry's expression change and he adds, "It's okay wit John. I already went through everything with him."

"So, you like her?" Harry asks slowly.

Zayn nods, "I think it's more than like at this point, I mean she's absolutely beautiful."

Harry rolls his eyes, "Well, I should let you two get back to it then, yeah?"

Zayn nods and hugs Harry again, "It was so nice seeing you again Harry! We'll be back soo enough though, so don't you worry."

"I won't. It was nice meeting you Perrie," Harry smiles and hugs Perrie, "Zayn, you take care of her now, okay?" Harry asks his best friend with a smile.

Zayn nods and walks out the door with Perrie by his side, his arm around her waist.


A/N: Sorry if this is short I wrote it in a span of thirty minutes. Also, sorry if there are grammatical errors I'm pretty sure I got them all but don't hate me if there are some. Anywho, thanks for reading! A new update will hopefully be here before Christmas. Well, I think that's all for now, and I'm off to soccer! love you guys!

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