Can't Compete (Needy!Jervis x Reader)

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Warning: needy, clingy sex, against the wall


"I'm leaving."

Jervis, who had been sitting across the table, slowly turned and looked at you. His eyes were still glazed, absent, as your words failed to register in his head.

Not that you were surprised.

Nowadays, Jervis hardly paid any attention to you.

You sighed. 'This maybe a lot harder than I thought...'

After the death of his sister Alice, the Mad Hatter spent most of his time hellbent on destroying Jim Gordon's life and everything the ex-cop loved.

So much that he failed to realize he neglected you in the process.

You, who spent many nights, wide awake and wondering if Jervis would come home to sleep by your side. You, who constantly worried and became frantic on the number of days he disappeared.

You, who wholly accepted him after he revealed the monstrous things he had done.

Originally, you had planned to say goodbye through a note, leaving it on the nightstand Jervis kept his precious pocket watch in whenever not in use. But, after much consideration, you realized that that wasn't fair to him.

Of the many months you two have been together, you at least owed him an explanation in person.

Sitting forward in your seat, you straightened your back and held your head high of confidence. "I'm leaving you, Jervis. Tonight."

There was a sudden change in his eyes.

Wide, fearful and oh-so-sad, Jervis opened his mouth to say something, to find the right words to speak in proper response to your sudden announcement. But, the closest thing that ever came to was a silent, whispered, "What?"

You remained silent.

"What do you're leaving me?" The words hurt to say so much that Jervis actually flinched. "Are you actually..."

"Yes..." Looking him directly in the eye, you held firm to your decision. Though, truth be told, it was the hardest thing you had ever done.

Seeing your lover, Jervis, so lost at the mention of being alone nearly broke you.

But, you needed to do this.

For yourself.

Yes, you loved Jervis - and you still do.

But you couldn't stand to watch him go down this self-destructive path of anger, vengeance and regret. You've tried so hard to drag him into the light, show him the beautiful life you two could have; yet, he always slinked back into darkness.

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