Weird dance

75 13 28

This was from Yin_Komori_ she dared me to make someone do a weird dance... Here i go...

Me: *goes in the Mukami living room to Yuma* "Yuma..." (i chose him because it's always Ruki so sorry all Yuma Fans!)

Yuma: "yes?... "

Me: "i got dared and it said i need to make someone dance weird so... "

Yuma: "so?... "

Me: "so i picked you... " *laughs nervous*

Yuma: *sighs* "why?... "

Me: "because of the dare pleaseee" *i hoped he say yes*

Yuma: "ok fine, but dont show anyone or that stuff"

Me: "ok!" *smirks a little and gets phone out taking secretly a Video*

Yuma: *starts to dance weird and is red as a tomato from embaressment*

Me: *giggles a little at his red face*

Yuma: *couldn't handle it and runs off to hid room with a big blush*

Me: *i laugh and stop recording* "well i am going to keep this Video"

And for the rest of the day Yuma never spoke to me.

I hoped you guys liked it somehow. Vote. And dare and ask me stuff. Bye bye for now!

Yuma: "you will pay... " *glares*

Me: "ummm hihi"laughs nervous "anyway bye."

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