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      “Isabelle are u there “, I called for my secretary from my office, where the hell is that girl anyway.

I saw her running toward my office

“What ….. Is…… it…….. Ty “she asked me out of breath.

“first of all relax then talk”

“ok, I am relaxed why did u yell for me”

“First of all I did not yell, I called, second, where were u”, she was only a year younger than me and she was like a sister to me, she knows almost everything that goes on in my life, she doesn’t know that I can transform into a huge wolf.

“I want u to send one of the jets to pick up mom and dad on the 23 rd, they are coming over for Christmas “

“Ok anything else”

“No that’s all, I’m almost done for the day, u can go home now”.i looked at the watch and saw that it is already 10.30pm, god! I have to be more observant

“It’s about time u left too, its pretty late, goodnight ty”, she turned around and exited my office

I shut down my computer and went out; the drive home was pretty boring when I approached the big iron gate to my home it automatically opened up for my car, so did the garage door, you got to love modern technology.

I switched on the lights and went to the kitchen, I took a beer from the fridge and went in front of the tv. I  started dozing of about half an hour later and went into a deep sleep moments later…….



I was startled awake when I heard the howls and growling of several wolves near my home, Michael started to get agitated {go check it out, I don’t want anyone else on my land}

I exited through the back door and went toward the part of the woods from where the noise was coming, then I heard the painful howl and whimper  of a wolf, the moment I heard that I lost control and Michael  took over and I shifted into a huge golden color wolf .we rushed into the woods and we entered a clearing to see about 10 wolves surrounding something ,they  still haven’t  noticed my arrival ,I looked closer to see a girl butt naked lying in their middle, as if she sensed my approach she looked up at me and her ocean blue eyes met my golden ones.{ MINE} ,Michael yelled through our link  and  growled so loud that it shook all the woods and all the birds nested in the trees took off, all the wolves looked at me stunned for a moment and then all hell broke loose.

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