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I had no idea what I was doing but I guess Michael did since he started tearing them apart, they might have been bigger than normal wolves ,but they were no match for me, I was bigger and faster than all of them ,I think they were like me, my theory got confirmed when those who got killed started transforming back. It took me about ten minutes to go through all of them and made sure they died painfully.

I turned around and saw the girl, she was unconscious, she had deep cuts and bruising everywhere on her body. I saw that her body was starting to heal, I guess she is a werewolf too, but at the rate she is bleeding she would die if she doesn’t get medical care, I picked her up, it felt like strong current was I passing through my body

I took her into my home, I put her on a bed and stitched her up and she started whimpering in pain Michael was both angry and ecstatic when we looked at her …. I guess she will answer why we are like that when she wakes up ……I went up to the chair nearby and started falling into a blissful sleep


“Anna come-on you are too slow”

“Slow down you idiot, it’s not the end of the world if we do not get there early”

“You are no fun”

Well that’s my brother and to believe that this kid might become the king of all werewolfs, now that’s a scary thought. I could hear four guard‘s following us

“Hai sis look we are here”

“Looks like we are here “I can hear the waterfalls from where I was even though I could not see it yet .I’ll have to walk some more before it becomes visible. When I reached there he was already in the water and he was splashing water at me so that I would get wet mom is really going to pay for making me babysit him.

This is where we come to relax .this place helps me to collect my thoughts .this waterfall is near the eastern boarder of our land ,so we always have to bring bodyguard’s along. I guess that is an inevitable thing when you are a princess.

It’s been almost an hour since we have been here and it was starting to get dark. I was about  to call him back when I heard several twigs snapping, the guards were alert a slight breeze blew from the border and with it came several stinking scents .”ROGUES” I screamed out and ran for my brother but the battle broke out

I tried to get to my brother but someone caught hold of my arm, I looked to see who it was and saw that It was one of our guard, he picked me up and threw me as far as he could ,yelling at me me to run

           I was thrown back into the forest, I looked around for my brother but I couldn’t see him anywhere .I heard the rouges yelling at each other to catch me . I bolted into the forest and as soon as I got under the cover of trees I jumped into the air and shifted into my silver wolf. My first instinct was to go towards the palace grounds but the rouges were blocking my path. I had no other choice but to leave our territory, I could hear them hot on my tail, I counted at least ten following me, I knew the chances of my survival was very slim, but I was not going to give up ,I just hoped my brother had a chance to escape.

‘Anna, honey where are you ‘,’are you alright’. I could hear my dad and mom through the pack link.’Dad I’m ok, but I’m being chased by 10 or more, I’m not in our territory anymore. I’m going east from the place where the attack began and I just went through a stream to get them of my scent but they were too close I couldn’t lose them’

‘We are on the way honey ‘my dad said and I could hear him shouting orders to the fighters and trackers and I heard panic in his voice

‘Dad what happened, is, is Sebastian ok’, my eyes were starting to tear up.

‘He’s ok honey, we have him and a group is taking him back to palace.’

‘Dad if I don’t make it ,please tell Seb that I’m sorry I couldn’t protect him.

‘Anna……….’ I shut the mind link and I felt them right behind me, my legs were tiring out.

                I gathered all my energy for one last attempt but one of them bit into my back and I came crashing into the ground. The rogue had bit off a chunk of flesh from my leg. I howled in pain and shifted back because of the pain. They started attacking me one after the other but none of them were lethal. They were just hurting me bad. It was like a cat playing with a mouse before killing it. I started to crawl away but it was no use as one of them just bit into my thigh and dragged me back.

               The attacks had stopped and I looked around to see that they were surrounding  me and getting ready to go for the kill.

                   I looked around panicking and a pair golden eyes caught my attention, they were in the middle of the woods looking directly into my eyes, a pair of golden orbs that was looking into my soul through my eyes

                  As I slowly lost grip on my consciousness I could hear my wolf whispering softly ‘mate, it’s our mate, he has come to protect us ‘. I saw someone lunging towards me from my peripheral vision , the last thing I heard and saw was a growl loud enough to shake the earth and a streak of gold sprinting towards my attacker then I was surrounded by darkness-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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