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(This prologue will apply to the beginning to all characters)

Finally, after many favors, phone calls, and busting your ass through high school with perfect grades up until graduation you screamed in delight as you finally got the letter you have been dying for. It was an acceptance letter to the college of your dreams; Insomnia Central College (I tried, okay...) where you'll major in (n/o college major). You packed everything you would need, since you were going to staying in a dorm. You also felt sad, as you were going to be leaving your family and close friends behind even though you would still be able to contact them through phone and internet. But what made it even harder was the fact you had to break up with your long-time boyfriend since you two were going to different schools and both felt like it wasn't going to work out with the distance between you two. Despite this fact, you knew that you would meet someone new. You carefully placed some picture frames in your bag and zipped it shut. You walked over to your bed and pushed away a (h/l) strand of (h/c).

You took a break, and plopped yourself onto your bed. You wondered if anybody texted you while packing, so you grabbed your phone and unlocked it (or flipped it open, I don't know). Nothing. Sighing, you grabbed your laptop and opened up your social media account. Scrolling through the many posts, you didn't find any that caught your interest. Just your usual quotes, photos, shared videos, and tag em's. In a different tab you opened your email. One new email, the subject was about your living situation. Opening the email up, you quickly skimmed through it. You already knew you were staying in a dorm, you didn't understand why they sent you email about it. But the email was actually regarding the fact you would be staying the dorm with two other girls. "Great..." you mumbled. You were okay with one roommate, but two? You won't even know what they're like until you actually get down there. Your parents threw you a good-bye party and you happily spent your last day in Tenebrae with your friends and family. And you wished the day would last forever. Once the party was over you went bed, extremely anxious about the next day.

The following morning, your parents woke you up and let you know that it was time to get ready. You got dressed in your (f/c) top and (s f/c) jeans. Your father helped you load your bags on to the bus and with one final good-bye, you were off...


While you were on your way to Insomnia, you daydreamed about different scenarios. You wondered if you were going to make new friends, if your teachers were nice, what your "roommates" were going to be like, and much more. You also thought about your ex, who ended up leaving a couple days before you did. You wondered if he's already found someone new and better. Instead of letting those thoughts overwhelm, you continued your ride into independence (God, I hate that word...)

(Time skip brought to you by...the Crystal Gems!)

Arriving at the college brought you an energy you couldn't quite describe. But it was like anxiety mixed with excitement. The guide brought you to buildings that held the dorms and notified you that you would be staying in dorm number 13.  "How lovely," you mumbled, "I get to stay in the dorm with one of the unluckiest numbers in the world." You found the dorm and knocked on the door. No response. You got out your key copy and unlocked the door thinking that your roommates haven't shown up which would giving you the opportunity to claim your spot in the room. You opened the door and walked in and saw two beds. One regular twin, and a twin-sized bunk. "Odd..." you thought to yourself, "Why would they have one bunk? I thought those were for the dorms holding four...?" Investigating more, you could see that bags were placed around the bunk. "I guess they are here..." you mumbled, "but where are they?" 

You stood quietly, and could hear two female voices talking to each other. "Did you see him?! Was he really there?!" one voice asked excitedly. "Yes! And (incoherent) was there too. What are the odds of that?!" You could already tell what they were talking about. Boys, college boys. But, it sounded like they were talking about people they knew. "Hello?" you called out. "Oh!" both voices called out. The bathroom door opened and out came your roommates. They were both around your age (btw, you're 19 in this. If you're not, I'm sorry! Pretend you are because...yeah). One girl had blonde hair with some pieces adorned in braids and beads, blue/green eyes, and was a bit tan. The other girl was paler in skin tone, with messy layered hair that was dyed white and blue, her eyes were also a bright red.

"Hello," you said again, "I'm (Y/N), and you two are?" The blonde girl grinned and responded "I'm Rikku," "And I'm Yuki," the white haired girl responded, "It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)." "Yuki..." you thought, "Pretty fitting with the hair color..." "," You started. "Oh, don't worry about it." Rikku said, "Yuki and I are besties so we asked if we could have a bunk instead of two twins. But uh...we didn't know what side of the room you would wanted". "No, it's fine." you replied, "You didn't need to go through the trouble. Uh...if you don't mind me asking. What were you two talking about? I-I'm just curious!" Both Yuki and Rikku smiled curiously... "You don't have to tell me..." you said. "It's two guys that we like." Yuki said shyly. Figures. "Have you seen them around?" Rikku asked, "Wait, never mind. You're not from here, so of course you wouldn't know them...I would introduce you but Yuki gets extremely shy around...him." You chuckled a bit. But Rikku was right, you weren't from this city so you didn't know anyone. 

You, Rikku, and Yuki talked more and ended up becoming friends. You learned that Rikku was majoring in technology, mainly building things like robots. She also has a cousin named "Yuna" but was going to a different school. She also mentioned a guy named "Wakka" (HUSH! I approve of it!) and it sounded like she fancied him a lot. Rikku also mentions that Wakka is the co-captain of the school's Blitzball team. Yuki was a major anime fan and music lover but is actually majoring in the arts (which is what I plan on majoring in). And briefly mentions a guy named "Gladio" before covering her face in embarrassment. You wondered if you would end up meeting a guy like Wakka or Gladio. But only time will tell.

(Jeez, okay that was longer than what I had originally planned. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the prologue. I have no specific order as to how I'm going to do each character but I plan on beginning with Tidus and maybe doing Prompto or Hope afterwards.)

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