Quick Character Bios

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I feel like this is absolutely necessary so....yeah! Also, sorry if these aren't as detailed as you want. It's literally 4 in the morning as I'm typing these.

Main Characters

Zack Fair

Zack is the close friend of both Cloud Strife and Reno. He has the tendency to flirt with most of the girls on campus. But he's actually very friendly, caring and funny. He doesn't tolerate rudeness, or anything of the sort.

Cloud Strife

Cloud is a man of little to no words. He is very close to quite a few people at the school This includes Zack Fair, Reno, and Squall Leonhart. Under that cold interior is a strong and caring man. He also appears to have a disliking for the triplets; Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz. The reason is unknown.

Squall Leonhart

Squall is a stubborn young man, and is easily irritated. His best friends are Cloud and Zell, and is occasionally seen with Zack and Reno. He tends to be distant and cold but can quickly get used to the people around him.


(Pronounced tee-dus)

Tidus is the head captain of the college's blitzball team and was made head captain because his father, Jecht is the coach. Tidus' best friend is Wakka who is the co-captain. According to Rikku, her cousin Yuna used to date Tidus but the reason for their split is unknown even to her. 

Snow Villiers

Snow is a bold individual who is close to Hope and Gadot. He is also the rival of Noel Kreiss. Snow has the tendency to jump into situations which normally ends badly for him. He treats Hope and Gadot as if they are his own brothers. Snow also appears to have a history with Yuki.

Hope Estheim

Hope is a shy but upbeat person and is the best friend of Snow, Gadot, and Noel. Noel is struggling to cope with the death of his mother but is finding things to help distract him from it.

Noel Kreiss

Noel is the rival of Snow Villiers, he is a stoic man who doesn't take crap from anyone. He tends to take pleasure in irritating Snow to the point of a physical confrontation.

Noctis Lucius Caelum

Noctis is the heir to the royal family Lucis. This alone gives him instantly popularity and is normally swamped by swarms of people who wish to get close to the Prince. He's close friends with Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum and Gladiolus Amicitia.

Prompto Argentum

Prompto is an upbeat and carefree person and just like Zack has the tendency to flirt with most of the girls but Prompto is easily ignored unlike Zack. Prompto has a soft spot for animals and takes care of injured ones. He is also very inept when it comes to photography. Prompto's close friends are Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis.

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