Chapter One

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Who on Earth would be sneaking into an abandoned apartment building in the middle of the night?

This guy, obviously. He didn't look much older than Caitlyn, despite his purple hair. And by sneaking, Caitlyn ment really sneaking, like he was on a mission and absolutely could not be seen, under any circumstances. But what really grabbed her attention was the fact that he scaled the wall and stole in through the window. A window which, to Caitlyn's knowledge, was always locked. Ignoring every instinct in her body, she followed him inside, using the ground floor window (which had been broken for a very long time).

Caitlyn scaled the stairs, her torch shining on the rubble littering them, tracking the boy to what used to be somebody's lounge room. Turning her torch off and ducking into a cabinet that was closeby, Caitlyn adjusted her glasses and watched the boy draw something on the ground.
Of course it was then that she truly became scared.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit that's a pentagram that's a dagger what is he doing-

She watched as he took the dagger and sliced his palm. Caitlyn swallowed a scream as his blood fell into the pentagram - was it blood? As far as Caitlyn knew, blood was not black and did not smoke. At this moment, Caitlyn knew that she was in over her head.

The boy began chanting in some language Caitlyn did not understand, and when the pentagram started glowing, she was less surprised than she should have been.

Why did I come here?
I could have stayed home, binged Netflix, but no - I just had to follow this guy who is obviously not human. Congrats, Caitlyn, you've just become the first five minutes of Supernatural.

As Caitlyn knew that her demise was inevitable, she decided that watching purple boy summon his demon could not possibly put her into any more shit than she was already in. At this point there was some smoky substance in the pentagram, and it was talking. Caitlyn's heart felt as if it would explode from beating too hard, and yet she still caught onto snippets of the conversation between purple boy and smoky thing.

"You thought he wanted you? You are illegal, child. He would send you to the depths if you so much as dared to set foot inside-"

The smoky thing shattered in a golden explosion. From Caitlyn's tiny field of view inside the cupboard, she could not see what had killed (she assumed it was dead, or at least incapacitated) the being. This caused purple boy to shout at somebody, clearly enraged that his hard work had gone to waste.

"Stupid meddling BITCH!"

She could hear the smack of something heavy hit the floor and quick footsteps, as if somebody was running across the floor. Caitlyn assumed that this was who, or what, had incapacitated the smoke thing. The new person came into the cupboard's field of view for only a few seconds before jumping and attempting to kick purple boy in the chest. Purple boy grabbed the new person's feet and threw them to the floor, earning a groan from the latter. Caitlyn could now see that this person was a girl, wearing what appeared to be guy's clothing. The girl didn't stay down for long, as she procured from her jacket a knife as long as her forearm, and impaled purple boy.

Caitlyn could feel vomit rise in the back of her throat. She was, however, powerless to stop it, as she then lost consciousness.

Aaaand a short chapter that's been in the works for about three months. Yeah I'm a slacker, I'm fully aware of that.
Now let's wait another three months for the next one!

This Is It, The Apocalypse - WORKING TITLE [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]Where stories live. Discover now