Chapter Two

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Caitlyn awoke in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room. She sat up, the white bedsheet falling off her. Without her glasses, her vision was blurry. She could just make out a bedstand with something - her glasses, hopefully - on the top. She reached towards it, knocking her hand into a glass but not spilling it, clasping her fingers around the familiar frames. She brought them to her eyes, blinking in relief at being able to see. She frowned, noticing a crack in one of the lenses.
Mum's going to kill me.

Or at least, she was, when Caitlyn got home. And to do that, she would have to find out where she was. Caitlyn took in the plain environment of the room. The walls were painted a pale apple green, the same colour as the pillow on the bed. Caitlyn stepped onto the floor, her bare feet touching the plush carpet. She looked under the bed, again relieved that her shoes and jacket were there.

After shrugging on her jacket, Caitlyn decided to explore her strange prison. She made her way over to the door, trying the handle.

It was unlocked, luckily, and Caitlyn poked her head out the doorway to reveal-

-A perfectly normal hallway.

Caitlyn was disappointed at the revelation, but, at noticing the window at the end of the hallway, her spirits were reignited. She softly walked to the window and looked out at a normal looking street surrounded by nice, semi- modern, upper middle class houses.

Caitlyn was in the middle of formulating an escape plan involving bedsheets and her shoelaces when she heard a door open.

"Oh, you're awake."
A boy, about her age, was standing at the other end of the hallway. He was taller than she was, with neat white-blonde hair. He was carrying a pile of bedsheets. "Winter and Alex are downstairs, if you want to talk to them - I'm sure you want answers."

Caitlyn was taken aback at this sudden information dump.
Who is this guy? Who are Winter and Alex?

"Can I not get answers from you?" She asked.

"I'm not the right person to give them." He continued walking down the hall and into a room, leaving Caitlyn alone in the hall.

Obviously, Caitlyn decided, the best thing to do was to go downstairs and talk to these people. She made her way down the hallway towards where the boy had come from, opening the door to reveal a staircase. Photographs of a happy-looking family lined the descent.

Caitlyn found herself shaking - she had, after all, just witnessed a guy get stabbed - as she crept down the stairs. She could hear voices coming from some place, which stopped when she reached the base.

"Um... Hi?" Caitlyn called out. A door opened, and the girl that she had seen before stepped out. She had changed out of the clothes Caitlyn saw her in, and was instead wearing a pair of grey and black pyjamas. She had a coffee in her hand, and looked, well, tired.

"Oh- oh, you're awake!" Her response was not much different from the boy upstairs', but it was delivered with more... energy.

"Getcha arse in here," she said playfully, dragging Caitlyn into the room, revealed to be a kitchen. The girl gestured for Caitlyn to sit, and she did so. Also sitting at the table was a boy who looked similar to the one upstairs, except with messier (and darker blonde) hair.

"This is awkward," said Caitlyn after a pause.

"...yeah," said the boy. He looked at the girl with an expression that said help.

"Oh, right." the girl awkwardly laughed, then pointed to herself, then the boy. "Alexandra, Winter. Except nobody calls me by my full name. Only Alex. We're two thirds of the Matthews trilogy."

"Trilogy?" Winter asked, raising an eyebrow. Alex shrugged. "Yeah, well, now that Alex has finally shut up, what's your name?"

"Caitlyn Mars. Why did you kill that guy?"

"Wow, you don't beat around the bush, do you? Well, he isn't dead, not really," Alex said.

"That doesn't answer my question." Caitlyn replied, a hint of impatience in her voice. Winter and Alex looked at each other, before the darker blonde spoke.

"You're probably not going to believe us, but our family... We're basically - how do I put this? Supernatural vigilantes. If a non-human commits a crime that can't be solved by normal cops, or if they break the laws of magic, we deal out justice.

"Like, if a werewolf kills someone and gets caught, that's not our problem. But if they don't, and they use their magical werewolf powers to hide, then it's our job to track them down and hand them in to the police."

"That guy I 'killed'," Alex said, continuing on from Winter's monologue, "Is a cambion - half demon, half human. And if that's not bad enough, his boss keeps resserecting him. I've killed him eight times now, and every time he comes back, he's more determined to get revenge." She seemed annoyed.

"I believe you."

"What?" Alex and Winter exclaimed in unison.

"I said I believe you," Caitlyn said. "I guess there aren't any better explanations, anyway."

"Well thank goodness for that," Alex sighed. "I honestly thought we'd have a repeat of what happened with Dan."


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