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I would love to wear

a T' where it says;

'busy breathing,

so don't ask me

for love'

And would love to

rock bangs, with a

rock guitar. - she said

when the school's reporter girl asked her

what she wants in her life.

Everyone knows she ain't the good girl

nor in the squad of the bad.

She's so easy

yet so intimidating

She would told you laughing,

if you ask why she is

might be an alcoholic,

- candy is dandy, honey

but liquor is quicker,

to make you

feel timelessly.

With an effort, she hates everybody

& still will smile at you

if you're with an kind heart.

If she wants, she can read

you like an open magazine

She can't tell though why

everyone is so jealous

of her mon coeur.

She doesn't like the

evening sky's pastel hues

so much as she can't get over

the morning blues.

'She's so'.. 'she's so'

they can trail of with whatever they want

but she doesn't really about

what the others think.

Even though whatever

you've tell the others

believing the rumors,

At the end, when everyone seems too fake

when you were a mess

when everyone left

She is the one

who stayed beside.

Even when you are not her


She's the one

who's not to forget.

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