-When I woke up. Everything appears to be blue.. It wasn't shocking for me though since I've been in dreams like this before... or whatever I'm in. I heard a voice calling my name and it was asking if I was scared.. First time hearing it.. so I replied-
Silver: No.. Not really.. Who are you? How do you know my name..? *looks up and sees nothing* Please answer..
???: *floats down infront of silver* How did you get in here...?
Silver: Your.. blue? W-wait! Are you the guy!? The guy stuck in that stone?
Karma: Mhmm.. please.. call me Karma. Not sure how a human was able to crack the seal..
Silver: Crack? What do you mean?
Karma: You don't remember? You manage to crack the seal that was in the stone.. You are only a human though..
Silver: You guys must hate humans.... well.. I am actually a spirit.. Believe or not. I think..
Karma: ...hmm?
Silver: I don't know.. I just found out today..
-After talking to karma about my situation. He started talking about himself-
Karma: You see.. I wasn't always in this stone. Back in the world I was in. Me and my crew manage to find something that could make us become powerful.. We like to call ourselves The Elohim's.
Silver: E-Elohim?
Karma: *nods* Basically gods.. anyways. One of my partners are named Zero.. who wishes to use the Elohim power to revive his parents.. I told him this type of power Is great and all but we cannot use it to cause a sin. A rule all humans must follow. Which was bringing somebody back from the dead. He went mad one day and put a spell on me.. keeping me in this.. stone.. I was only able to hear things.. Make wishes.. For some reason. I was hearing Karmya which is my daughter.. getting attacked by people with weapons.
Silver: ....Weird..
Karma: Silver.. When you let that uhm.. spirit power control you.. you manage to crack the Stone and broke the seal.. Now.. if somebody like Zero ever wanted to use the gods abality to reset time.. they can.
Silver: Reset time.. ? I.. caused that? Damn.. Seems bad
Karma: Yess.. That's actually really terrible. It won't be long before Zero get his hands on it... but..
Silver: But..?
Karma: There is one thing you can do for doing this.
Silver: What..?
Karma: Help us.. We don't want to hurt Zero.. but only bring him back.. he still needs to understand how life roles instead of breaking the rules.. His plans to reset time all over again.. not sure how long we have before he starts.. And when he does.. he is going to restart your life as well.. maybe.. Could you find him and put an end to his plan?
Silver: I.. I don't know.. I'm already going through something terrible right now.. It sounds bad, I know! But.. I don't know.. I feel like I also done something bad in the past.. Reliving it doesn't seem so bad..
Karma: Please.. I garented that you will find a way to control that power as you search for Zero.
Silver: Control my power..? Wait, How do you know he is here? In this.. world. If he has time powers can't he just do it now?
Karma: Like I said.. He needs my power to do so.. The Stones power. And trust me. He has his ways.. He can travel through different planets and dimensions.
Silver: Wow.... I thought spirits were crazy.. I'll think about it..
Karma: He won't be easy to get tho..
Karma: Chapter 1- The Curse Karol (Remake)
SpiritualThis Story is about a couple of kids who has Spirit powers along with a stone that can make any wish they want. A God. It's up to them to protect the stone for whom ever wishes to steal its power while handling there own issues. To find out informat...