Murder Time / Fun Time

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                                                                                                                                                                                                       Murdercan be fun, murder can be great! 

Red flowwaits to spill on the marble floor.

Let ustake them to their fate.

Hiding inthe shadows prey takes bait. 

Our eyeswatch hoping for no more.

Murdercan be fun, murder can be great!

Shall wepounce? Shall we wait?

Patienceis wealth and we are poor.

Let ustake them to their fate!

Our lustfor blood shall not sate...

Insideour hearts wages no war...

Murdercan be fun, murder can be great!

Ourtechnique is far from second rate.

Of coursesilly, for we have done this before.

Let ustake them to their fate!

Knife andjugular mingle and mate.

Bodyfalls to the floor.

Let ustake them to their fate!

Murdercan be fun, murder can be great!


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