Meeting Them

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I feel someone poking me in my sleep hmm probably nothin I turn around on my side and I then feel something shaking me "It's time to wake up Y/N" the voice was calming I managed to say "Mmm 5 more minutes I don't wanna go to school today." I then hear laughing "No silly today we're getting you a puppy!" I jump out of bed "YAY FINALLY! I CAN'T WAIT TO....AWWWE COME ON!" I yell when I see Mark laughing "Oh My Gosh Y/N I didn't think you'd react like that!" "Mhhh! Mark why'd you wake me up?!" I then see Jack standing in the door way looking at me I look at my PJs realizing why he is smiling I run and hide under the blanket "HAHAH Awwww Y/N You look so adorable in your PJs! Mark wasn't lying when he said you loved watching us!" I turn bright red "SHUT UP!" Mark then throws my clothes at me "Unless you want Felix to see that your always walking on his brofist you might wanna change." I get out from under the covers and stand up then it went white for a second it cleared up soon as I rubbed my eyes I hear laughing I then see Mark standing next to Jack looking at his phone and laughing "Sorry Y/N"Jack says"I forgot about the camera flash." I then realized "YOU TOOK A PICTURE OF ME?!" "Yeah you just looked too adorable that's my new background." Mark then whispers to Jack "Oh~ sorry" he walked over to me by the bed "I didn't know you didn't like being called adorable or cute." "I look down and play with my pant leg "It's ok you didn't know." "he smiles and stands up when they left I changed into my clothes and called for Mark "Yeah what do you need Y/N?" "Well according to you I can't jump off the bed so I kinda need help." He smiled and picked me up and carried me into the living room with Jack and Felix."Hey bro love your clothes!" Felix said 'Should've seen her PJs" Jack said laughing I turn bright red "Shut up" I said quietly "So how'd you two sleep?" Jack asked "Well I had a good sleep except for Y/N cuddling in my hair. What can I say it's floofy." "Well at least I don't sleep with a tiny box tim plushie." I say looking at him "HAHA Dang Mark you sleep with a plush?" Felix says laughing "HEY Tim protects me!" we all laugh at him "So Jack do you want to try Lucky Charms?" I ask the Irish man " HELL YEA GIMMIE!" we gave them too him but he soon just shoved his face into the bowl "You know you're supposed to add milk?" Felix said "Yea but it's better this way."

Marks POV

After Jack finished eating I noticed Y/N was looking upset I don't know why though. She's just sitting on Jacks leg on the couch looking down kinda teary eyed "Hey Y/N are you ok?" she looked up at me and wiped her eyes "Yeah yeah I'm fine just uhhhh allergies" "whoa I see what you mean Mark" Jack said lifting Y/N up in the palm of his hand "Hmmm I'm pretty sure that it's not allergy season. So why were you crying?" She looked down looked up at me and walked to Jacks fingers and jumped down to the floor she walked and went into my studio. "What was that about?" Felix asked "Yeah and why'd she look at you and jump?" Jack questioned I sighed "Ok so I don't know why she's upset but she looked at me because I told her not to jump off high places so she doesn't get hurt then I try to stay a little quite so I don't hurt her ears and.." "You're being too protective basically."Felix stated "I know she's 20 and" "WAIT! She's 20!? Man you can't treat her like a kid cause of her size." Jack stated "I know I know but she's so fragile I don't wan her to get hurt." I said "Dude one she's been doing this for what seems like a while so it's obvious she knows what shes doing, two  just let her be for awhile and she'll come talk when she's ready." Felix told me "Ok fine you guys wanna watch a movie?" "Yeah sure!" They both said in unison

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