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"The neighbours gave us a little bit of information, not much to go on. Now the husband is away at Rotterdam. Can we double check this, and also trace the stepson. We need to both their whereabouts and bring them in for questioning. Ken, what's happening with Skye and Molly Hunt?"
"Medical have finished talking with them, we are free to interview them."
"Right, let's get to work."
Helen and Alan went downstairs to interview Skye and Molly, the victim's daughters.
"Do you know anything about your father's business trip?"
"No, I knew he was going away, not sure how long for. But I'm studying at Eastvale University, so I'm hardly home." Skye looked at Molly.
"Next Tuesday. He said he would be back next Tuesday." Molly cuddled her young sister.
"She's only eleven , she remembers the simple things."
"What about any other family?"
"If you mean my brother, we haven't heard from him in a year or so. Our father died when we were two. When Mum remarried, he brought me up as his own, but Harry was out of control and she had to give him up. I last saw him in Eastvale market, but he said he was leaving for France, and we haven't seen or heard from him since."
"Right thank you Molly, if we need to talk to you or Skye again..."
"She'll be with me, at the flat until we get stuff sorted."
"Alright, thank you." They stood up and left.
Alan sat in his office, looking at the time, 6:32. It had been a long afternoon.
He unlocked his phone and rang Tracy.
"Hows Isla?" he asked her.
"She's okay I guess. They're having a bit of trouble with her at school, but she's just missing Mika."
"Everyone is, I'll see you later." He put the phone down. Helen knocked on the door.
"Where are we with tracing the husband?"
"No joy, we've left voicemails." Alan nodded as his phone started to ring, from an unknown number. He answered it.
"Hello, its Dr Kingston here from Eastvale Hospital. Am I speaking to Alan Banks?"
"Yes. Hello. Is this about Mika Cabbot?"
"Yes, sadly, we have some bad news. I'm afraid she had gone into cardiac arrest. We were able to revive her, but she's also in critical condition because she has lost a lot of blood and is still in the coma."
Alan's heart sank as tears started welling up in his eyes.
"Right. Well, I know you and your team are doing everything you can, so thank you," Alan quietly responded.
"You're welcome. We'd love if you could come in and stay with her, but she has been moved to the intensive care unit. There is a chance she might not be able to pull though, but emotional support can do quite a bit for the patient," Dr Kingston replied.
"Of course. I will be there shortly. Thank you."
Once he'd put the phone down, he stood up abruptly and started walking towards the door.
"Helen, I'm putting you as acting SIO, I've got to go."
"Is there anything I can do?"
"No, just come in tomorrow as if its your case. I've got to go to the hospital, it's Mika." He left, not knowing what would hit him when he arrived there.
He walked at a quick pace to find out where Evie now was.
"Hello, I'm looking for a child, Mika Cabbot?" Alan asked the chubby lady at the desk. She began searching her computer.
"Yes, she is in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. It's in the children's ward, it's room 5. Just follow the signs," she replied in a voice that could not sound more bored.
"Thanks." Alan began to follow the signs and the directions he was given until he arrived at a brightly coloured area, and quickly found his way to the PICU and where Mika was lying.
When he first saw Mika hooked up to so many tubes, he began to silently sob. He sat down and took her bruised, swollen hand in his.
After about ten minutes, he decided to call Tracy, letting her know what had happened, but not to come, or bring Isla to the hospital to visit Mika. Even though the more people here with her might help her recover, he couldn't risk what visions it would create in young Isla's mind, the way her sister looked right now.
Dr Kingston soon walked in.
"Mr Banks..." Alan dare not ask, but he knew he would have to sometime, and others would be wondering as well.
"How is she?"
"That's why we called you here. Mika's condition has changed drastically."
"How do you mean? She was fine earlier."
"She was in a stable condition, but unfortunately it has deteriorated, and she is now in a critical state, and I must warn you, you have to be prepared as she may not make it through the night. We think it has been caused from Cerebral Edema, some swelling on her brain. We need to take her for a C.T. scan, as we believe she may also have a bleed."
"I thought internal bleeding was ruled out when she came in."
"We cleared the internal bleed in the abdomen, the impact of ground has mostly likely caused this, not the force of the car, unlike her other bleed."
"Has she got any other injuries?"
"She has a few fractured ribs, and a acute fracture to her ankle. We have also taken care of tension pneumothorax. But upon first examination, mild hypothermia was diagnosed at the scene..."
"She had been out on the moors, visiting her mothers grave. What is the tension pneumothorax?"
"Basically, part of her lungs were just collecting the air but not working on breathing it out. That is all okay now, but we will need to take her for a scan for her brain as soon as."
"What will happen, if you find anything?"
"If she does have a bleed, surgery will be our most viable option. She may not remember much, and could have brain damage."
"What about this coma she is in?"
"If she comes into a stable enough state, we can attempt to bring her out of the coma, but not until we are sure about what is going on with other injuries. She may even wake up naturally herself." Two nurses came in and began wheeling the bed out of the room.
"We're going to take her for a scan now, then we will bring her back here and give her oxygen, because it could help to reduce the swelling a little bit." Alan sat back down in the chair as the doctor left the room, wheeling out the bed Mika was in.
He couldn't believe what he had just heard, and how would he tell everyone. A few minutes later, the door opened, and Helen came through.
"Hey, Helen."
"Hi, Alan. I saw that you had to leave in a hurry. What's going on?" Helen asked as she sat down.
"Yeah, sorry about that. The doctor had called and said that Mika had gotten worse. She has swelling on her brain and had a cardiac arrest."
"Alan, I'm so sorry... where is she now?"
"They have taken her for a scan to check for a bleed in the brain."
"You're joking! What happens if they find something?"
"They've said surgery would be her most likely option, but she's had so many other complications. I keep trying to think what Annie would if she were here."
"She'd be telling you not to get in a state, for Mika's sake. Look, after Tracy and Isla arrive, take them home with you. You need a rest. I will stay here for a while with Mika."
"I've told her not to bring Isla, not in the state Mika's in. I'll wait until she gets back from her scan, then I'll go home for a while."
Suddenly, the doors opened and Mika was wheeled back in, just as still as she had been when they took her.

Hatred of Life and Love Part 1Where stories live. Discover now