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"Jack?" The Irishman heard his boyfriend calling his name from the front door, but he remained in his position facing the computer monitor. "Jack?" Mark's voice was louder and his footsteps now audible as he neared their shared recording room.

Jack sniffled, wiping a few tears away with a sleeve clad hand. "Ye-eah?" He responded weakly, his voice cracking.

Mark crouched to his partner's side, facing his boyfriend who was sunken into the chair, backed against the wall. "Hey," he spoke so gently, his eyes softening as he lowered himself to kneel, "What's wrong, my sweet?"

"I-" Jack's voice failed himself once again, and he sighed and sniffed before trying again, "My... My gran-" He covered his face with his sweater paws, pulling his glasses off and drying his eyes,only to feel them gloss over again immediately.

"You miss her?"

He nodded, green fringe bobbing as he whispered, "So much." More tears followed the wet paths down his face as his body racked hard with sobs and his boyfriend removed his headphones before hugging him.

"It's okay," he cooed, soothingly, "I know, I know, sh-sh-shh... It's okay; you're okay, love."

Jack slowly pulled away to wipe at his eyes again, and a he did so, Mark placed a hand on his knee, gently rubbing circles with his thumb. Mark took his focus off of his boyfriend for less than a minute, just to turn off the camera and microphone he was using to record. Once Jack's eyes were a little dryer, Mark moved his hand from Jack's knee to under his legs, his other hand travelling to the Irishman's back. The smaller boy instinctively wrapped his arms around the red head's neck and buried his face in the taller's shoulder. Mark shushed and soothed his partner as he carried the younger boy upstairs and into their shared bedroom. He set Jack down on the soft mattress, following suit, and trailed few soft kisses along his bearded jaw, calming him ever so slightly. Jack turned his head just a little to capture Mark's lips in a soft, quick kiss before he turned to lay on his side, facing the American and nuzzling into his chest, tired from crying. Mark knew he'd feel better, if only a little, after a nap.

An hour and a half later, Jack was stirring in his sleep, scratching at his face and pulling at his hair. At this, Mark awoke and quietly whispered sweet, calming nothings to his partner, as well as gently grasping his boyfriend's hands with one of his own and pinning them lightly to his chest, save hurting himself as he slept. Mark didn't fall back asleep after, instead he opted to study his boyfriend's beautiful face; noticing how his darting irises were visibly moving beneath his eyelids, and how, when Mark spoke a few gentle words, his lips would twitch into a small, sleepy smile. It was only slight, but it was there.

When Jack woke up, Mark had been watching him for around two hours, just noticing and re-noticing every handsome feature, every cute twitch of the Irishman's nose, every blink between closed lids, and every small tug of his lips when Mark whispered a small 'I love you' or 'you're beautiful'.

"Hi."Jack smiled.

"Hello, gorgeous," Mark smiled lazily, "You feel any better now?"

The green haired boy nodded, "Yes, thank you."

The two lay in a comfortable silence, hugging each other and simply just being, until Jack spoke up; "I'm sorry..." His voice was soft.

"What for?" Mark's voice wasn't quite as quiet as he'd intended it to be, and he hoped Jack didn't think he was annoyed.

"For crying and being weak..." His words trailed off getting quieter toward the end but Mark still managed to hear.

"Hey," he spoke calm and easily, "You have no reason to apologise for feeling sad; we all get sad, it's normal and it's acceptable." Jack went to interject, but closed his mouth as his boyfriend continued, "I miss my dad like you miss your granny, it's okay." He smiled, small but gentle.

Jack made a small groaning sound and buried his face in his boyfriend's chest once more. "I forget about that, I'm sorry. I don't want to be selfish," the Irishman was close to tears again.

"No, no, no," Mark sighed softly, "It's fine, it's okay - don't worry about it, love. You know I'm always here for you. It's not selfish to confide in someone if you're sad, Seán. I want to help you through these things, it's okay, you know this."

Jack nodded, moving his face from Mark's chest. "I love you, Merk." He smiled sincerely, his accent prominent as he said his partner's name.

The red head smirked at the way his boyfriend said his name, "I love you, too, Seán. So, so damn much."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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