Sera Is Already On It

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I sit calmly at the fire I had made myself. What all awaits me..I wonder if mom's worried about me or if she's happy that I'm going to travel and try to find am I going to do this? Be alone cause my biggest fear is being alone and having no one, but yet here I am alone in the woods with the possibility of dying where no one can find me, but who would want to find the pale, purple haired, green eyed girl mmm? With the Disney princess name Ariel. Yes my mom thought the name Ariel would be a good name for me, and of course my original hair color was not purple it was brown- wait what's that?

I was taken away from my thoughts when I saw a green light in the distance. I walk closer and closer when I'm in front of a green glowing orb

Maybe I should touch it...I don't know

I decided to be dumb and touch it leading up to a explosion and brightness

"What th-" you start to talk until I look up at the sky

It was normal other than a green hole in the sky, I back away looking side too side confused on how I got here, but unfortunately i didn't look behind me cause I bump into something large. Hearing a screeching noise I cover my ears turning around slowly only to gasp at the sight before me, a creature that looked something as demon stood. It was tall, skinny and looked like a dead person after a couple months. But instead of screaming like every teenage girl would in the movies, I stay still hoping it would just walk away...boy was I wrong cause all it did was latch itself onto me pinning my body down using it's claws to tear into my arms, now I was screaming but I couldn't help it, it hurt so bad. Thinking I was dead I shut my eyes when the demon was slung off of me!
I open my eyes too see a tall...person? They had horns and was built, but their face had similarities of a human, I looked up at him tears rolling down my face. That's when he looks down at me

"Boss! You might want to see this!"

"What did you run off for this time bull?! Oh" a woman looks down at me

She had gray hair and dark skin, pink eyes, lips, and tattoos below her eyes. And looked as if she had been running
"Should we take her back to sky hold or leave her for the wolves?" The man with horns asks

"Are you actually joking?! Take her back!"

He picks me up being careful not to hurt me, I can see another man now, and he's way shorter though.

That's when I pass out...

"Solas! We need your help" the women yells making me wake up

"What is it you need help with Inquisitor?" A smooth voice asks.

"We or...more like bull, found a woman being pinned to the ground by a demon. She needs healing"

"All right, get her to a bed I'll be right there!"

I fall back into slumber, but awoken by a pain in my left arm

"AHH" I scream

"Shh its okay. The pain will be gone in a few minutes" the same smooth voice says calmly "just talk to me to distract your brain"

"Ugh...what's you're name?"

"Solas, and yours?"


There was a comfortable silence for about three minutes, I kept my eyes closed.

"I'm done sewing that arm...can you sit up so i can sew the other one?"

"Yeah one sec" I sit up, slowly opening my eyes

I gasp and Flinch back

"Is something wrong?"

"A-are those r-real" I ask pointing at his ears

"Yes...? Have you never seen a elf before?" He ask looking up from sewing my arm.

I shake my head no.

"Well then, you will meet plenty here"
"How many are there?"

"Mmm...I would say about fifteen or twenty"

"Ahh" I clench my jaw at the pain

"Sorry, but I can asure you, you are the most interesting looking here"

"Why is that?"

"Well you are the only one here who has purple hair I can tell you that"

"I am?"

"Yes, what is it normal where you come from?"

"My friend has purple hair just a little bit lighter, and my little sister has black hair with blue strips in it"

"'re village is...interesting"


"Well I'm done sewing you up, be best if you get some rest"

"Good night...Solas"

"Good night, Ariel"

I went to sleep for the night having a dream of me at a table with the short guy, tall guy, and the women called inquisitor. But a lot of other people, they were playing cards and telling stories. Odd...

"Shh *Snickers* she will be mad as a giant when she wakes up"

"Are you sure we should be doing this sera? I mean she just got here and it was not pleasant"

"Shh it will be fine, think this as a..Welcome present, varric"

I sit up and rub my eyes earning a few gasps

"I told you this is a bad idea"

"Oh frig" the blonde runs out the door laughing

I look at the short man confused

"You might want to look at your face girly" he hands you a hand mirror

"Oh my god! What the heck man?!"

" I didn't do it, I just tagged along to make sure she didn't do anything worse" he said putting his hands up in defense

I looked at myself, let's say sera drew some unpleasant things...

A couple hours later

"well ma'am I can tell you your story is almost the same to the inquisitors story" the man Cullen tells you chuckling "except you remember what happened before"

"My name is Ariel by the way."

You walk out into the cold weather hugging yourself I have a lot to do

"Do you not have a coat dear?" a voice asks from behind


I wonder who's behind Ariel is it Dorian? Vivian? Or just some creep?

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