frilly cakes

376 5 4

(Third person)

Solas sat in his bed unable to sleep from the thought of Ariel needing help with anything, whether it was to keep her warm or wake her from a nightmare he needed to be there. So he stood up and didn't bother putting his shirt on.

As he walked in he saw she was fast asleep with her curly hair in her face, the dim candle light bright enough he would be able to read. So he carefully tucked himself in and got out a book she had recommended.

"Mm solas please don't" She mumbled 
'A nightmare?' He Thought

"That frilly cake is mine.."

At those words he smiled and turned to his side and propped himself up on his hand

"Save some for me..don't eat em always do" She muttered

He reached out and moved hair out of her face and rested his hand on her cheek.

"Very well..I'll save some..what kind do you wish for me to reserve?" He mused and rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip

She smiled and continued

"Mmm coffee and..burnt suga-"

He then kissed her lightly and chuckled

"I'll keep that in mind love"

She settled down and he continued the book, but he felt a small hand lay on his bare stomach. And he looked at her face she had a facial expression of someone looking for something, she did this a lot, reaching out to find someone. He was always there..but one day he would not. And it made his heart hurt.

"What ever happens, I will always love you Ariel" he whispers feeling a sting in his eyes

As much he hated hurting her, he had to fulfill his duty. Thinking of what she had been through and what she fears made him break, he sat the book down and silently cried into his hands, a lot of people thought him to have no emotions but he actually had a lot. He felt a kiss on his cheek and two weak arms wrap around him.

"What's wrong darling?" She asks

"Nothing..just can't sleep" he fakes a smile at her and looks at her

"I know fake I see tears. Talk to me"

"Just promise me you will know I always will love you and watch out for you" he says with his voice cracking

''I know you do, Solas?"

He looks up at her and looks into those lime green eyes, surrounded by light brown flakes and a faded purple curly mess. The way her nostrils flared when she breathed out of her button nose made him want to reach out and poke her.

"You remember I'll ways love you..I'll never give up on you" she says heartily

He leans his head on her shoulder and cries, her heart broke in half at this. Solas was one of the most strong and collected men she knew. But to see him hurt.

"Ariel..I'm going to hurt you.." He says fearfully

"Even if you do, I know you love me"

"I don't deserve someone with such a beautiful and caring spirit..and yet you pick me.."

"I didn't pick you, I needed you" she says caressing his face

"...I'm sorry..but I'll make sure to reserve the frilly cake for you" he says with a chuckle

Her face turns red from realization that he heard her talk in her sleep.


Hey guys, I got inspired by a post on instagram titled frilly cakes. I know I'm slow but I'm having serious writers block, and always tied up with friends.

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