Oh how sweet life can be

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I yawn and sit up in bed. This is the third time tonight I've had to throw up, and I don't know why....did I eat something? Am I getting sick..?

Getting up I walk over to the bathroom..but something tells me to look in the mirror. So I turn towards the mirror and scream almost immediately! My eyes...they were green but....swirls of purple as well, like a deep purple and it was as if the colors were turning.

"Vhenan what is wrong..?" Solas comes to the bathroom

I turn to him and point to my eyes

"Solas what is wrong with me?!"

"What in...." he gets closer and cups my face and observes the odd change

I was trembling at this point, I couldn't even speak.

"W-what is it..?"

He notices the fear in my voice and the way my bottom lip slightly twitched.

"I don't know...but I promise you will be okay..let me go get Cole" he says softly and presses his lips to my forehead before exiting the room.

I sit on the bathroom floor hugging myself before I hear the murmuring of Cole and solas outside. Cole walks in and very slowly, as if he might scare me.

I look up at him and he does his best to smile at me and reassure I'll be fine, I force myself to relax in the slightest.

"There are...two of her..?" Cole says very confused

"W-what" I ask confused

"I...can sense another life...very faint, new!"

Solas face suddenly turns from worry to shock, and I am still confused.

"Ariel....do you know what this means..?" Solas asks

"I'm possessed...?" I ask

"No! You are growing a smaller person!" Cole says excited

It clicked...the throwing up...all meat smelling weird...and the cravings...but why is my eyes...changing.

"I'm pregnant?!" I half scream half ask

Solas face suddenly lights up and I can see how excited he is. Don't get me wrong I'm also excited but I wanna know what's wrong with my eyes.

"Wait what about my eyes?"

"I have a theory that it's the magic within the baby...considering the circumstances" he smiles at his own hint

I roll my eyes

"Now help me up so I can tackle you in a hug"

He walks over and pulls me up into a hug, I squeal and giggle, this is amazing! Crane is going to be so happy!

Cole smiles and poofs away leaving us to celebrate alone

"We have to go all out to tell everyone!" I say excited

"We should first tell crane"

"Tell me what..?" We hear the young voice of crane and look over

He rubbed his eyes and yawned, still in his pajamas and holding his teddy bear I can't help but laugh.

"Crane come here, me and dad have to tell you something" I say softly and open my arms

"Is it when you two are getting married..?" He asks as a I lift him up in my arms

"No, possibly even better. Okay so you know we will Always love you and we no matter what will Always you as our son right..?" I ask softly

"Yes..." he replie

"Okay...well me and daddy have something verrryyy special to tell you"

Solas smiles and looks at crane

"How would you feel to be a big brother..?"

Instantly you can see the little gears in his head turn and he does his cute little head tilt while slightly biting the inside of his cheek while thinking, me and solas both laugh slightly and wait.

"I would like that, but! The baby cannot have my bear bear" he says clutching the small toy

"Of course not" solas chuckles

"Wait a minute...why are you asking? Is there a baby hiding somewhere!? Come on out! Blab blab!" He shouts then whispers "I speak baby"

Solas and I burst out laughing then i set him on the bathroom sink

"Nope. I have a baby growing inside my belly" I smile and start combing his hair

"How did the baby get there?" He then gasps "did you swallow a watermelon seed?!"

Me and solas look at each other and hold in our laughter.

"Yup! So don't swallow them or you might end up....with a monster growing inside you!! Ahhh!!!" I change my voice to sound "scary" and start tickling his belly

The bathroom echoes with Crane's giggles and my spooky noises, solas just watches with a smiles and a look of love.

"M-mommy sthapppp" crane pleads and wiggles

I stop and smile wide, a family...my own family. I never thought I would have this a few years ago, especially with solas, but am I glad!

"Momma what's wrong with your eyes?"

"It's from the baby" I tell him

"Woah...babies can do that..?" He asks

"This baby can" I smile

"Is it a boy or a girl? Will it be tall or short? Will it have yours or papas freckles?-" he keeps asking more and more questions, clearly excited

Oh how sweet life can be

a whole new world! solas x readerWhere stories live. Discover now