Me and my family were in the living room talking, except for my cousins who were playing, as every Christmas. There is just one difference and it's that it is the day that my whole family finally met my boyfriend.
My parents and my brother already knew him but the rest of my family didn't.My name is Alison. I am 18 and have brown hair and brown eyes too. My boyfriend is called Zac. He is 18 too and has brown hair as I do but he has green eyes he has always been realy nice to me and he is smart too.
- Its a pleasure to finaly have you here Zac- my grandma said -
- It's my pleasure to be with such a beautiful family from such a beautiful girl - he said smiling and hugging me from over my shoulders -
- Stop it - I whispered laughing a little -
- I can't - he whispered to me now - you aro too beautiful not to point it out.
- You are such a gentleman Zac - my mom interrupted us- By the way, I like how that red shirt looks in you.
- Thank-you so much Mrs. Hastings - he answered - I actually really like your dress. It's really elegant but casual at the same time.
My mom just smiled and one of my little causins named Sarah came running up to Zac and another named Alex came up to me and both said at the same time - ¿when are you getting married? - And we both laughed a little.
- Maybe in a few years - Zac answered and my cousins went running to the rest of my cousins -
- ¿So you are planning to get married? - My brother Sergio said with a serious expression on his face. -
- Not now - I answered - we want to finish college first.
- Good - he said -
- Dont worry, I'll finish my education - I told him so he could relax a little bit-
After I said that the whole room got involved in an uncomfortable silence wich was broken by my father.
- ¿So, what are you studying Zac? - He asked -
- I am studying criminology - he answered confidently - I find that really interesting.
- I think you are studying psychology ¿right Ali? - Mentioned my aunt Emma -
- I do. I want to know how human mind works and help others with their problems. -
- just perfect - Zac whispered loud enough so I could hear him but low enough so no one else did -
I smiled and kissed his cheek.
- ¿Ali, could Zac and you start putting the plates at the table? - My grandma said -
- Of course - I answered while I was standing up and Zac did so too -
We walked to the kitchen and before we could open the dore my brother Sergio shouted - look, Zac and Ali are under the mistletoe -
We looked to each other and I blushed.
- I guess we have to kiss ¿don't we? - He said a little ashamed -
- I guess we do - I answered -
Zac took my face with one of his hands and leaned closer to me. I herd him wisper - I love you Ali - and then he kissed me.
For a moment I felt like everyone and everything disappeared. It was just Zak and me with nothing that could bother us. It was a short kiss, but that made me feel like I was on another world.- that was the best Christmas gift I have ever had - he said -
- Same about me - I told him and smiled.-
I was going to go in to the kitchen when I remembered something.
- Zac? -
- Yes? -
- I love you -
I said and passed through the door.
Some say that we are too young to love and that we dont know what we really feel but that's because they dont know what love really is.
Love is knowing that person who makes your day happier, your smile brighter and your life better, love is thinking about that person and knowing that you would do anything to make him or her happy, love is respecting that special person and being respected and love is to find that someone who will be able to laugh with you, be crazy with you, and make you smile when you are sad.I know this may not last forever, I know he may stop loving me or I may stop loving him and I also know this relationship is not perfect for everyone but it's perfect for me and I will enjoy it while it last because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

De Todomuchas historias cortas de todos los géneros. esto es para aquellas historias que no dan para un libro completo ya que son simples fragmentos