Chapter 16

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A/N: A little bit of drama in this chapter but I like how it played out and the lead up to a revelation to Lucy that Lucas and Maya both needed to finally come out with. 

Lucas POV

Lucy and I were hanging out in my living room watching some TV when there was a knock on my door. I wondered if it was Maya that was coming to visit but imagine my shock when I opened the door and my ex was standing on the other side. 

"What are you dong here Cassie?" I said with annoyance in my voice. 

"Can we just talk? I miss you." she said and I really didn't want to do this with Lucy here. 

"I have Lucy today." I answered. "I don't want her confused in anyway." 

"I made the biggest mistake of my life by leaving you." she answered. 

"Cassie, we can't do this." I said and I was starting to get stressed out over her being here. 

"Why not?" she asked 

"Because I love someone else." I answered. 

"I don't believe you." she replied. "After all the years we had together you are really telling me that you love someone else? I don't believe it." 

"I told you I'm not doing this today. I have my daughter and it's not a good time." 

"Please talk to me." she pleaded. 

"I don't know why you are even here. It's been months since we broke up." 

"I told you I wanted to talk with you. I realized I made a huge mistake." she replied. "Who is the girl, Lucas?" 

I sighed in frustration and nervously put my hands through my hair. I looked at Cassie and she looked defeated. I felt bad but I didn't. "It's Maya." I replied and she got a shocked expression on her face. 

Cassie started crying as she looked at me "You cannot tell me that you don't love me back. We were together for 4 years that just doesn't go away in 5 months." she said and then she did what I didn't think she'd do. She kissed me quickly then pulled away. "Tell me you didn't feel anything." 

"You need to leave." I snapped. "I have moved on whether you like it or not. Maya and I are having a son together. I've loved Maya. It's always been Maya even the 4 years that we have been together so if you don't mind get the fuck off my property." 

"You're loss." she said and then walked away. 

I went back to the living room to check on Lucy and she was there playing with her dolls. Everything was going through mind over what just happened. I needed to tell Maya about it but I was scared of how she was going to react. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize 10 minutes had gone by since Cassie had left. There was a knock on the door and then in walked Maya. She came over and sat beside me on the couch. 

"Hi Mommy!" Lucy said excitedly as she climbed up beside her Mom. 

"Hi baby. You having fun with Daddy?" she said to her. 

"Yeah we watched a movie but then Cassie came over." Lucy replied and I was taken by surprise that she knew Cassie was there. 

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