The Beginning

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"Long ago the four nations lived together in peace and harmony. Then everything changed when the Water Empire attacked. Only the Avatar; master of all four elements could stop them, but when the world needed him most; he vanished."

"A hundred years have passed and the Water Empire is nearing victory in the war. The Fire Lord is getting desperate, but I, Zuko, still have hope. I know the Avatar is still out there. I just have to find him."


Book 1: Water

Prince Zuko practiced his firebending forms by the turtle-duck pond.

Step forward. Punch. He then unleashed a imaginary wave of fire from his fist. This attack would vaporize water, sealing the win for his imaginary opponent.

But was he good enough? Certainly not stronger than Azula.


Speak of the devil.

Zuko stepped forward, facing his sister in the eyes. "What is it, Azula? Can't you see I'm practicing?" Zuko turned his back to her and continued his stances. If he ignored her enough; she would possibly go away.

"No need to be so hostile, brother. I only came to deliver the good news," Azula informed him with a smug look.

"I'm good," He said shortly.

She went silent then, letting the curiosity slip right into Zuko. Azula was a pain, but she always had her nose in the court. Getting good gossip to come with it. He sighed, turning back to her. "Fine. What is it?"

"You're going to love this." She smiled in a way that made Zuko's stomach tighten. "The Avatar has returned,"


Katara snuck away from the compound at the best time. Mom and Gran Gran were busy with chores. Dad was introducing Sokka to the art of weaponry. No one would even notice she was gone.

She sailed away in a canoe to a fleet of icebergs. "Perfect," She thought.

Her dad being the governor of the Southern part of the tribe; her family was almost royalty here. People would envy her for having everything she could want, but she didn't.

What she wanted more than anything was to waterbend. But thanks to the stupid law that forbid women from learning anything but healing, it was never even a choice.

But no stupid law was going to stop her. She believed she had seen enough from the soldiers in training camps to copy their movements. Everyday she went there and little did they know she was studying them.

Instantly the water responded to her movements and began to rise, forming a snake like form. "This is trickery than it looks," She thought as she felt herself losing her grip.

Unfortunately, at this time someone gripped her wrist making her lose control completely. She faced the man ready for a fight, but luckily it was just her brother.

"Oh, Sokka, it's just you," She said relieved.

Sokka gave her a sour look. "Don't you 'Oh, Sokka, it's just you' me. What were you thinking, Katara?" He demanded to know. "If anyone else saw you, you'd be dead. Why? Because it's treasone."

Katara groaned. "I'm sick of not being allowed to waterbend. Real waterbending!" She shot, throwing her hands in the air. "Gran Gran said that before the North took over that women in the South were allowed to bend. How would you like it if you weren't allowed to use your boomerang?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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