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A/N: Hey everyone! So this first part holds three prologues for the main characters, Aspen, Ray, and Shell. It introduces their stories and how they got to where they are in chapter 1! With that in mind, you'll probably want to read these before going to the first chapter! Anyway, enjoy Sakura Souls!!

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Aspen's Prologue - Aita/Ashimira Realm

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Aspen's Prologue - Aita/Ashimira Realm

"Am I the only one, who sees what you've become? Another way to say that there is nothing left.~" I played the notes on my guitar and sang along to the tune. An audience of people gathered in front of me to listen to my singing, and the group was only growing. People walking by would stop and blend in with the audience to listen to each note I played.

"Someone I used to know buried so far below, and now we're buried undead, but they'll never understand.~"

Once I finished the song, the audience clapped and cheered. It made me happy for a moment, but the crowd quickly began to disperse, and my happiness was short lived. Some people just walked away. Others put money in my guitar case.

I could understand why they were in such a hurry though. It's not like I was on a stage or anything. I was only singing in front of a supermarket for money. Also, it was getting really late. I was sure they all had places to go.

I sighed and picked up my guitar case to put my guitar away. Before that, I took the money out and placed it into my pocket. Yes, the amount was so small that I could easily just shove it in my pocket. I never expected to get much from singing anyway, so it didn't matter to me.

"Young man." Said a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw an old woman I'd never seen before. She smiled warmly as she spoke. "You're singing was absolutely beautiful! I'll tell ya, I've never heard anything like it!"

I mustered up a smile and replied. "Thank you. It means a lot."

The woman put her finger up and stared at me intensely. "Don't ever let your gift go to waste. Do something amazing with that voice of yours!"

I opened my mouth to reply, but the woman just walked right past me and into the store. I was both confused and frustrated with the woman, but chose to forget about the conversation entirely. After all, I couldn't bother with things like a possible future in music. It wouldn't happen for me. Not in my situation at least.

As I packed up the last of my things, the sun's last light of the day was peeking over the city's buildings. I knew it was time for me to go home. I started walking down the busy sidewalk to an alley, and made my way to the very back of the alley so no one could see me. Then, I waved my hand around in a specific pattern so a bright pink portal formed in front of me. The portal was just the perfect height for me to walk in and close it behind me.

For a couple seconds I was submerged in complete darkness. I couldn't see anything at all. But soon it all went away and I could see the outlines of trees. I was back home. In the Ashimira Realm. A small, freezing, and dark world.

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