Chapter 2 : Entering The Ruins

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Chara's eyes went Red as they got their Knife and threw it at Flowey.Their eyes held no Hestitation of what they just did.If they were alive in this new timeline of a glitch it is...

They would Distant themselves from the others, Closing her heart--not letting one pass.This is the side-effect of the Post-Genocide Run.The Guilt wasn't that heavy, and the strength to do Violence is Light...

Flowey luckily dodged the incoming Knife in Horror.The defenseless Flower looks back to see what Their 'Sibling' has dared to do.Frisk gasps too, Seeing the effects of the Geno Run.

"Since When Can you Call me by My name?!" She screeched which made the poor flower slip down back to the ground in Fear.She knew this Scene very well, She runs behind the bushes nearby before Toriel Enters the Room.

Frisk tries to stop her, but he couldnt Grab her arm.He looks at Chara's location with a Sad look, before shifting his Gaze once again at Toriel.He smiles softly as Toriel begans to Speak..

"Greetings...I am TORIEL, Caretaker of the RUINS .I pass by this Place everyday to see if Someone has Fallen down..." SHe said in a Motherly Tone, Which the Two children Adored very much.

Chara stayed there, not wanting to face Toriel.If she would show up, what would happend? Would she gasp? And then run to her and hug her? No surprise if she did does that.She was her child after all.

Or would she Gasp and attack her??

Who knows? What fate holds??

Due to fear, she decided to just stay hidden..

Frisk smiles at Toriel, still adoring how motherly and kind the Goat monster is.He still remembers every reset thou.

Toriel smiles back at the fallen child and held his hand softly.

'waahhh... her fur is so soft' Frisk thought with amazement still.For the number of resets and the times that he encouters Toriel--he still loves Holding hands with Toriel.

The goat monster softly pulls his hand into the entrance of the RUINS.She releases his hand by the time they entered the said room.She continued her way up the stairs and into the first Puzzle.

After Toriel was gone, Frisk turns around to the sound of Crinkling leaves.It was under the footsteps of Chara, Who smiles a bit at Frisk.Frisk smiles too and approaches the girl..

"Why wont you come with us?" He asks yet the only reply he receieves is Silence...

Just...silence... from Chara.

He signs and walks to the sparkling star infront of the leaves.He opens it and saves his always I guess.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Frisk turns to Chara again with a smile as he tried to resure. "Im sure...Go ahead...before I kill you..." Chara said with a threatening voice.

Frisk steps back before signing and running to Toriel. Chara walks to the leaves and touches the star.She was surprised to see the black box appear above the twinkling star.

"I...can save...? Does this mean well? Or perhaps not?" She said out aloud as she looks at the details on her Save Box. Chara ...Level.....5? Uh..since when did she got Some LOVE?

Oh yeah...From the past timeline...right..its a glitch

She took a deep breathe and presses the Save button.She steps back as a Sound rings in the room and the Text was changed.


She just looks at it with dull and emotionless eyes and closes the very thing.She looks at the leaves as if they we're inviting her over to lie on them.They were a bright red just like her Eyes.

She remembers the times when Asriel and her would play in the leaves.She smiles at the thought--but somehow, also disgusted at it.They' innocent...

So disgusting..

She rolls her eyes, Returning to its Cold Icy glare.She walks up the stairs and proceeded to go into the RUINS.She walks in quite a fast pace, trying to avoid Monsters including TORIEL.

"Its Funny huh..? I want to encounter monsters because I want to kill 'em.." She said, gigling at the Irony of her thoughts, "But I don't want to cause its wrong.." She continued to walk, passing by the finished Puzzles.She Was careful thou, not to go too fast.She can encounter TORIEL and Frisk...

At the middle of the spike puzzle, she encoutered a Froggit.Its expected by the Flower child, seeing frisk encounter it so many times before in the past runs.

But...Seeing froggit alive means Frisk spared it.He wants a pacifist run or a neautrual run.She scoffs at the froggit and did what she could--She complimented it.

"You look like sh*t" She bluntly complimented it with a bored stare.To her, that was a complement.Yeahhh shes still an asshole."what what the..."

Froggit didnt understood what she said, but was flattered anyway.

This made Chara crunch up her face in confusion.Even thou she had come across this with frisk everytime, it still weirdens her out.It was now froggits turn as the monster threw Flies that followed Chara.

Chara being chara, she dodged it easily.She rolls her eyes and smashed the Fight button.Her eyes widens in surprise at what she did."no!no!no!" She screams as she purposly missed in attacking the poor and clueless monster.

"Good..." She signs and made her soul go up to dodge the attack of the frog.She then pressed the mercy button--and spared froggit.The fight screen then fades away..

"...." She stayed silent and watched the Frog monster hop away.She looks down at her hand that has a stick.She signs and facepalms... "what am i even doing...?" She mutters to herself as she went ahead to the next puzzle...

But it was a wrong move.She frooze as she stands in the entrance of the next room.It was the room where Toriel tests Frisk's indepedence.

And standing infront of her, is TORIEL and Frisk.And the motherly goat monster is turning around..

And she saw Chara...



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