Play Date&Sleepover

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Olympia's Pov
I screamed with happiness running down the back porch steps giggling madly behind me was Eunsoo we where playing tag and he still has yet to catch me since I keep dodging him.

He laughed loudly and my feet hit the grass and I dodged Eunsoo once again hearing him grunt frustrated and then we both landed on the ground after he touched my shoulder and I let a small groan out in unison with Eunsoo rolling over.

"No more tag." I called seeing Eunsoo laying on stomach "agreed." he said lifting his head up I giggled loudly and then I looked when I heard Minho appa

"What did I tell you two about running." he called opening the screen door "to not to Minho appa,"  I called while Eunsoo looked at my appa.

Minho appa just smiled "also Eunsoo your mom said you can stay the night she'll come pick you up at 1:00 pm tomorrow k." Minho appa called.

"Okay."  Eunsoo card happy like making Minho appa just smile he went back inside and then I sat up getting the grass off myself looking at Eunsoo.

"Now what?" I asked Eun-soo who picking grass out his brown hair "I would recommend drawing but we just did that." He called puffing his cheeks out I then thought for a second.

"We can see if my appa Key needs help cooking?" I suggested and then Eunsoo's grin widen.

"Okay." he beamed I giggled we both helped each other up and he grabbed grass from my afro, "I think it's awesome that you have five appas." he beamed at me.

I blinked at him "really?" I said and he nodded "yeah five is better than one." he gleamed making me laugh at him.

We both highed fived and then He smiled at me brightly "let's go."  he said and then we both rushed back inside seeing the sun was setting but it wasn't full dark my guess was it was either 4:00 a clock.

Maybe 5:00 we raced into the kitchen our bare feet hitting the tile "Key appa!" I shouted with Eunsoo beside me.

Key appa looked from mixing stuff together "hey you guys." he beamed making me smile and Eunsoo to shyly smile and waved he was really nervous around appas.

I don't know why but I found out after the two months of our friendship Eunsoo never met his appa his known what he calls his mom eomma and I felt really bad.

I care about Eunsoo a lot he has met my appas a lot since Eunsoo Is my only friend they've met Eunsoo's eomma she's really sweet and very quiet.

She looks like me too which I like being able to see someone my shade "Key do you need help with cooking me and Olympia wanna help?" Eunsoo asked shyly while I looked at him with a smile.

Key appa looked happy "I actually do you two wanna mix some stuff for me?" he asked we both eagerly nodded and I giggled at Eunsoo making him chuckle.

"Okay." Key appa lifted me up on a chair to stand the same with Eun-soo and he handed us both two bowls and whisk "k Just stir If you don't know how Eunsoo Olympia can show you okay." Key appa told me I nodded.

"Yeah, Eunsoo." I said making Eunsoo smile shyly "okay." he said I just smiled and just started to mix with my tiny hands.

"Key appa can you sing?" I asked hearing him hum me and Eunsoo looked up at him he grinned.

"Which song?" He asked me and Eunsoo looked at me your appa's sing he mouthed I nodded He looked back at Key appa.

"Lucifer?" I asked and he nodded me and Eunsoo listened closely but since Eunsoo was fluent in Korean he was able to catch on to the lyrics and then started singing making me beam.

He had a beautiful voice I thought but it made me sad that's one flaw about me I'm not fluent in anything except English.

Eunsoo noticed and then he lifted his fingers to his mouth making a smile I smiled also giggling lightly.

"Okay here's the schedule for tonight there's gonna be a lot of stars out tonight if you guys want you can sleep out on the back deck porch make a fort and all and if you get scared you can come back in," he told us both I really like the idea and beamed.

"Yeah." Eun-soo said with a smile "so, for now, it will go dinner, playtime for an hour or two, then settling down a bath for both of you, pajamas, brush teeth and then we'll all go out back." Key appa said.

I was amazed it was gonna be an awesome sleepover and I could tell Eunsoo thought so too since he smiled brightly.

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