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"CLAIRE!! COME HERE HONEY!" I heard my dad called  out for me. seriously he could have just called me through  the phone.

As i walked out of my office to go to my dad's .  I heard him talking to someone. Now who could that be? I slowly turned the door knob and pushed the door. I walk in to see my dad talking to his secretary. Now  this was weird. My dad was  inside sitting with the secretary just chillin. you might asked what so weird 'bout that. Usually my dad has meeting etc. He doesn't sit around and chat.

"Uh, hey dad? u called me" I said slowly

"Oh yes Claire, i have big news about our company!" Damn someone was happy.

"Really? this must be big considering you're basically bouncing off your feet." I slowly but surely watch how happy he is. Now don't get me wrong it makes my day to see my dad happy but this was really weird. He was never this happy ever since--

"CLAIRE THEY SAID YES!" okay now I'm happy.


"Yes honey they did. Now as my Vice president you're coming with me to NYC for a year because were gonna be building something well a hotel and resort together. Our flight is in two days, now go home and start packing. You have today and tomorrow off. Ill see you at the house." He's trying so hard to keep his excitement.

"Okay dad thank you!" I stand up and hurriedly ran to the door.

I went into my office grabbed my purse and rush to my car.

I look for the key of my beloved matte black range rover. I paid a lot to make it matte.

I open the door and drove home.


I parked my car and rushed to my room.I took a shower then go to my walk in closet. I quickly changed into a tank top and shorts. I put my hair into a bun. "okay one year, Claire, one year." i told myself. 

I look around my room for every single bag i could find. Now here's the catch our house is a freaking mansion its huge. I'm gonna die. Guess i don't need to work out today. i ended up with 7 rolling bags, 2 backpacks and 5 handbags. meh this will do...

5 hours later

I'm almost done. keyword: almost. Don't judge i'm staying there for a year so eyyyy NYC you better watch out Claire Ivory Anderson will arrive soon.

Now you must be wondering who the hell am i? Hi i'm Claire. I'm 21 years old. Yes i'm the vice president/CEO of the Anderson's. I was home schooled. I'm gonna be the future CEO. 

I love my job but i sometimes i hate it. brings back old memories. I'm thankful that i have those memories but it hurts to know you cant make new ones like those with a certain person.

"Claire you'll never reach your dreams, unless you let your nightmares go. let them go. show everyone what you're made of and be yourself. People will never care about what you think, its always what you do, Claire. Let your past go.. Stop faking it."

her voice. what she said its back.... No. The  Nightmares..

I've always kept everything Hidden.

HIDDEN book no. 1Where stories live. Discover now