Love You Forever

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Chapter 1


It was the first day at 1-6 and I was waiting for my partner to be assigned. I was waiting there along with three other detectives waiting for there partners to be assigned. Their names were Fin tutuola, John Munch, and Olivia Benson. Olivia stood next to me and we talked while we waited for partners to be assigned.  "So Elliot do you have a girlfriend any kids?" "No. No girlfriend or kids. How about you a boyfriend any kids?" "No. No boyfriend or kids." She shot me the most beautiful smile I have ever saw. And I shot back my famous Stabler grin and that's when I noticed that she was blushing. I was about to ask her another question when captain came out and told us who we partnered up with then he told Olivia and I to go to Mercy hospital because there was a vic there. On the way there I wanted to listen to music. So I turned on the radio and that is when One Direction came on. The song was You & I. I started to hear Olivia sing. Her voice was so sweet. She didn't notice me staring until the song was over. "Olivia I love your voice, you never told me you can sing." "I didn't think it matter." I noticed that she was blushing. But before I could ask her we were at the hospital. It seemed that everytime I went to ask her on a date I always got interrupted.  I looked over to notice that she wasn't in the car no more. I looked out the passenger window to notice her walking in. This I could already tell that this was my favorite veiw. But I hurried and got out of the car and went in and caught up to her. I flashed my badge to the desk clerk and she pointed me to the room. Olivia was the first to enter. "Hello sweetheart can you tell me your name. Mine is Olivia and this is my partner detective Stabler." "Yes my name is Alex." "Ok Alex can you tell me what happened." "Yes." Alex told her story and she began to cry. Then I saw Olivia start to comfort her this made me fall in love with her more. Alex had finally calmed down. "Alex sweetheart do you have any idea on who might have done this to you?" "Yes I think it was my ex-boyfriend josh. He used to beat me." "Thank you for your cooperation.  Here is my card if you need anything just call. Ok." "Ok." I saw Alex give Olivia a hug and her hug back. This made me smile. We walked out of the hospital and got into the car. I walked to Olivias side and held the door open for her. "Quite a gentlemen arent we Stabler." "I try." I shot her my most famous grin. I also loved how my last name rolled of her tounge. But before I got in the car I vowed to ask her on a date. I then got in the car and turned the radio back on and Monster came on by Eminem. I then heard Olivia start to sing to Rihannas part. Then came Eminems part. So I started to rap to it. I then felt Olivias eyes burning a hole in me so I turned to look at her. "What's wrong." "I never knew you can rap like that. I think it is hot." I started to blush and I could barley even talk. "w-w-what?" "Oh shit did I just say the last part out loud?" "U-um y-yeah y-you did." I could hear her saying "shit" under her breath. "Liv its okay." "No its not Elliot! I like you and I know you don't like me back!" she then turned to face the window. "Liv one I hope you don't care I'm calling you Liv and two you don't know if I don't like you back you are just assuming I don't." "Ok then Elliot do you like me back?" "Actually yes I do I have been trying to work up the nerve to ask you on a date all day." "Really?" "Yeah. Well I guess now is as good a time as any. Liv will you go on a date with me tonight?" I noticed that she was blushing and couldn't help but grin at it. She then looked up at me and flashed me her beautiful smile. "Yes El I will go on a date with you." I started to smile and noticed that we were at the precinct.  I didn't even relize she knew I looked out at her ass so when she started to get up I tried to sneak a peak. "See anything you like Stabler." I could tell my mouth was open but I had to think of a good lie. "I was trying to make sure you got out ok." "mmmmhmmm" she finished getting out of the car and so did I. While we were walking into the precinct we kept talk and laughing so when we got in 1-6  Munch knew something was up. "So guys what's so funny." "Shut up Munch." "Ok ok jeeze." I then got back to my paper work and time flew by. Before I knew it it was 5 o'clock. "Hey Liv ready to go?" "Yeah lets go." We got up and walkes out to my car. "Hey Liv do you mind if we go back to my place and order some take out and watch a movie?" "No not at all." So we drove to my place and listen to the radio.  Just before we got to my house Timber came on she started singing but had to stop because we were at my apartment. "Were here." I got out of the car and walked to her side and opened the door and held my hand out for her. She grabbed my hand but I didn't let go after she got out and neither did she. This felt so right to me. And I could tell it felt right to her. We got up to my apartment and she went to sit on my couch to watch tv while I went to order some pizza. When I got done I went and sat down next to her. I grabbed her hand and held it and she let me. We sat there laughing and talking thrn we heard a knock at the door. I got up and awnsered it and payed for the pizza then went and sat by her. We ate and talk and laughed. Then we were done with the pizza. "Hey Liv do you want to play truth or dare?" "Yeah that is my favorite game you go first." "Ok Benson t/d?" "I choose dare." "Ok I dare you to chug a gallon of water in under 60 seconds!" "Ok." she got up got a gallon of water and chugged it in 58 seconds. "Ok Stabler your turn t/d." " I choose dare." "Ok I dare you to kiss me." I was so shocked but i didnt care. "Ok." I leaned in and planted my lips on hers but when oxygen became a problem we pulled apart. "Wow Liv that was amazing!" "Thanks you weren't to bad yoursrlf Stabler." She then cuddled up on me while I put my arm around her. I wanted to kiss her again so bad. I then heard soft snores I looked down and noticed her sleeping. I then picked her up and took her into my room and layed her down on my bed under the covers while I layed on top. I then wrapped my arm around her waist and fell asleep.

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